Dear Church of Indonesia,
This morning while praying felt an urgency again. There is a need for a People to be Prepared for the coming of the Lord. I desire to do the below ministry and prepare teams that will cover the land of Indonesia. That will travel to the North, South, East and West and bring the healing of God [relational, emotional and physical healing]. God wants to bring His healing to the families, churches and the nations. I am willing to help train the team and give the materials for them to use. All I need from you is to pray and move and gather the people and arrange the camp. Why camp? So that they will not be distracted and can devote 3 days for receiving ministry. When they can receive it they can also give it away.
Many soldiers are struggling in the battle field to fight a good fight. Generals [those in the fivefold ministry] are also soldiers who need to lead by example and fight a good fight but are dragging their feet in the battle because of wounds that they have been carrying from childhood. The church has put an unrealistic expectation upon church leaders to perform. God has raised me up and has sent me to the nations to prepare a people especially Church Leaders for this end time. Encourage the leaders in Indonesia whom you have found favor with to take the lead to come and experience the Love of the Father and receive their healing and be delivered from those areas that they have been struggling for many years while in the ministry. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. The Father desires to Love you and Heal you and Send you with His authority and power just as He sent His Son, Jesus the Christ to represent HIM accurately.
Theme for Camp:
"Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers"
plus 1/2 hour if interpreted.
1] Understanding the God Head and Community living [family life]. [1hour]
2] Prodigal Father [1 and 1/2 hours]
3] Father issues [1 and 1/2 hours]
4] Breaking Ungodly Cycles [ 3 hours]
5] The Father gives revelation and rest to His Children. [1 and 1/2 hours]
In His Majesty's Service
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