zoe ministries
GL Garden 01-21-02, Solok Paya Terubong 8, 11060 Penang, Malaysia
House Phone: 604-8277554 Hand Phone: 60165318276.
Email: cvs3zoe@yahoo.com
Ephesians 4:11-12 (NKJV) 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,
[written by Abraham Gan (Marketplace Pastor and Apostle]
Dear Friends & Family -Arrived in Kuching this afternoon [19/6/2011] after the one week mission in Sri Aman. Met with a few Iban pastors & leaders just now at Pr Greman's church. Pr Christopher spoke a strong message on unity. Pr Gremen testified a confirmation from his recent participation in a conference in Hong Kong where a key word from the Lord: "With unity comes authority. Disunity creates leakages that undermine this authority of the people of God. He also illustrated from the recent events in Sarawak where the Pastors' Fellowships in the different towns have all now banded into one: The Sarawak Ministers' Fellowship.
During our one week in Sri Aman, the Lord has answered our prayers and brought several "man of peace" - families, churches, and longhouses to welcome us and to partner us in this new mission to see God bring transformation especially in the socio-economic well-being of the Iban community in Sri Aman.
Derrick & Paula, both teachers have opened their home for the first time to host some of the team members. Louis & Girin invited us to their home & several-acre farm to pray for victory in a land dispute tussle. Several families from the Anglican fellowship and the Baptist church came together in a home meeting to hear the teaching of the team. In the Sebujok Longhouse, we visited the women's farm project. At the Bakong Longhouse we were impressed to know there is a traditional Iban instrumental band.
In all the different meetings, both young & old were joyfully inspired by the effective preaching of Pastor Christopher. Nigel ministered strongly one on one also among the younger people. Agnes spent many days preparing for her baking demonstration for a good group of ladies in the hope that some may take up baking to supplement their income. Irene & I were largely in the background collecting data and stories and networking with key leaders and families.
The Lord has directed our focus to concentrate our mission first among believers who are already engaged in some socio-economic enterprises like the couple, Gimmy & Mariana who runs a seafood stall, Nensa who is starting a preschool next year. We also hear of many needy solo mums and widows who have been devastated by the sudden passing of their spouse or husbands who have remarried into another faith. Kiau, a sister who runs a vege stall & owns a lorry for hire is mother to 7 kids, three of her own, two kids left by a relative and two other kids from a widow.
The Lord has given us some keys and we have started to initiate some small efforts to assist these believers in Sri Aman.
We are proposing to return to Sri Aman in mid August to go further in understanding the community and its people and to bring more tangible help. We appreciate your prayers. If you are led of the Lord to join in one of our coming mission to Sri Aman, do let us know.
Abraham & Irene Gan
on behalf of the rest of the team, Pr Christopher K, Agnes Leong & Nigel Boatman.
Please pray for coming ministries
14/7 Thursday Service in Kulim -Kedah
Malaysian Churches who need our ministry please contact us at 048277554 or 0165318276. Pastors- please start opening your pulpits for God’s servants who are sent by God to build your local churches. It does not matter what color they are, it does not matter whether they are local or foreign [They must be men and women who are send by God]. Please try local products also [made in Malaysia servants of God] J -I am addressing Malaysian Churches.
24/7 and 25/7/2011 End Time Watch –Trinity Baptist Church [open to churches in the region]
September set apart for Sarawak churches
India –Bengaluru and Mumbai
5/8 to 7/8 -Hearing God’s Voice [Prophetic Ministry]
8/8 -Salvation Army -Mumbai
Kenya –Nairobi
9/8 to 14/8 –Turning the Hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to their fathers -Combine Churches Seminar –Nairobi -Kenya
Thailand [19/10 to 30/10]
NET Church Camp 21/10 to 23/10
4/11 to 9/11/2011 –Leadership Training
India -Kerala
December 2011 Kochi, Kothamangalam, Kodanad, ...
Friends, we are a faith ministry and when you are lead by God to give towards our living and ministry, please direct it to
I/C Number -540303-07-5307
May Bank account number : 107125195025
Home Branch number 07125 -KAMPONG BHARU
Swift Code: MBBEMYKL
Account number: 548-2-01969-4
Become a blessing to the nations by sending us to the nations to disciple the nations.
In His Majesty’s Service