A New Day Dawning: God's Weighty Presence
As I am putting the final touches on this article, my daughter-in-law is preparing to give birth to my grandson, Isaac. It was prophesied before his conception that his birth would be a prophetic sign for our ministry and mark timing for the Body at large. I do believe something is about to arrive and the dawning of a new day is imminent. The child of covenant and promise is about to be birthed.
Even so, I find myself in this spiritual dilemma; I've seen the great needs of our generation, yet I'm being compelled by the Spirit to pull aside and "wait on God." Presently, I have been required to remain at home for a season. I am daily spending hours in prayer, meditating on God's Word and waiting upon the Spirit. There is something of vital importance that we must obtain in this season that is essential to move forward. Perhaps many others are in a similar place.
The Open Door
As emphasized in Revelation 3:20, the Lord stands at the door and knocks and to
him who hears and opens the door to his heart, the Lord will dine with him. This is an individual commission and requires an individual response. On the other side of the "open door" we will find Living Word revelation vital for this season and the Heavenly blueprint.
The fullness of the ministry model God has ordained to respond to the great needs and challenges of the 21st Century is not presently on the earth. It is something that we must obtain from behind the veil in the unseen realm. It is the hidden manna reserved and set apart for this generation that will equip the Bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle and empower her for the harvest.
Hebrews 8:4-5 tells us how Moses discovered the Heavenly pattern for his generation:
Now if He were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law; who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, "SEE," He says, "THAT YOU MAKE all things ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN WHICH WAS SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN."
It seems that oftentimes Moses was required at the most inopportune time to pull aside and ascend the mountain of God to receive insight, instruction and empowerment. It was on the mountain that Moses obtained the heavenly pattern for the Tabernacle and God's ordained order of worship. So it is today.
The fullness of the ministry model God has ordained to respond to the great needs and challenges of the 21st Century is not presently on the earth. It is something that we must obtain from behind the veil in the unseen realm. It is the hidden manna reserved and set apart for this generation that will equip the Bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle and empower her for the harvest.
Hebrews 8:4-5 tells us how Moses discovered the Heavenly pattern for his generation:
Now if He were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law; who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, "SEE," He says, "THAT YOU MAKE all things ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN WHICH WAS SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN."
It seems that oftentimes Moses was required at the most inopportune time to pull aside and ascend the mountain of God to receive insight, instruction and empowerment. It was on the mountain that Moses obtained the heavenly pattern for the Tabernacle and God's ordained order of worship. So it is today.
Lessons Learned
value is placed upon learning from our past mistakes. In the prior
generation many distinguished leaders found themselves captured by doing
things for God and unknowingly lost their sensitivity to the voice of
His Spirit. It is imperative that we guard against doing so much for
God, when our invitation is to do things with Him. Even so, that is in no way an endorsement on complacency.
Our highest purpose is to have relationship with Him. Intimacy with the Lord is the essence of our design in Creation and the highest purpose in the restoration of all things. To walk with God in the "cool of the day," is still our foremost aspiration. It is in that place of "union" that we are empowered to influence our culture and manifest His Kingdom.
The earth is entering into a season of travail. World systems will be powerless in responding to the needs that are about to be present in the earth. Even those obtaining revelation through spirits of divination are prognosticating essentially the same thing. Only when anointed with the Holy Spirit can the Church impart wisdom and revelation that will provide genuine light in this dark generation!
The day is fast approaching when the prophetic ministry of the Church, through the spirit and power of Elijah resting upon a company of people, will once again encounter the "prophets of Baal" in a Mount Carmel showdown. We must contend for that higher standard.
When the genuine is present, it makes the counterfeit appear all the more perverted. The Church should not fear to take the prophetic gospel to the marketplace where our enemy is presently attempting – often successfully – to dominate. This generation is desperate for authentic spiritual representation from the Kingdom of Light.
In another Old Testament example, the 400 prophets of Ahab each received spiritual revelation containing measures of truth, yet the origin was a deceiving spirit the Lord allowed because of Ahab's unrighteous leadership. A true prophet of God, Micaiah, was then summoned and was able to soar above the deceiving spirit and receive a true revelation from God's heart (1 Kings 22:1-28).
Spiritual discernment and a good foundation in truth clearly identify false revelation, thereby motivating the Believer to press in all the more earnestly to receive the genuine. The Spirit of Truth will render the false spirits of revelation powerless, as with Paul, Elijah, and other loyal servants of the Lord. Instead of their prophecies bringing numbness to us, those with the true revelatory mantle will precipitate immobility and disarray in the camp of the enemy. Light dispels darkness. Amen.
Our highest purpose is to have relationship with Him. Intimacy with the Lord is the essence of our design in Creation and the highest purpose in the restoration of all things. To walk with God in the "cool of the day," is still our foremost aspiration. It is in that place of "union" that we are empowered to influence our culture and manifest His Kingdom.
The earth is entering into a season of travail. World systems will be powerless in responding to the needs that are about to be present in the earth. Even those obtaining revelation through spirits of divination are prognosticating essentially the same thing. Only when anointed with the Holy Spirit can the Church impart wisdom and revelation that will provide genuine light in this dark generation!
The day is fast approaching when the prophetic ministry of the Church, through the spirit and power of Elijah resting upon a company of people, will once again encounter the "prophets of Baal" in a Mount Carmel showdown. We must contend for that higher standard.
When the genuine is present, it makes the counterfeit appear all the more perverted. The Church should not fear to take the prophetic gospel to the marketplace where our enemy is presently attempting – often successfully – to dominate. This generation is desperate for authentic spiritual representation from the Kingdom of Light.
In another Old Testament example, the 400 prophets of Ahab each received spiritual revelation containing measures of truth, yet the origin was a deceiving spirit the Lord allowed because of Ahab's unrighteous leadership. A true prophet of God, Micaiah, was then summoned and was able to soar above the deceiving spirit and receive a true revelation from God's heart (1 Kings 22:1-28).
Spiritual discernment and a good foundation in truth clearly identify false revelation, thereby motivating the Believer to press in all the more earnestly to receive the genuine. The Spirit of Truth will render the false spirits of revelation powerless, as with Paul, Elijah, and other loyal servants of the Lord. Instead of their prophecies bringing numbness to us, those with the true revelatory mantle will precipitate immobility and disarray in the camp of the enemy. Light dispels darkness. Amen.
David's Example
Although David's destiny was one of greatness and divine favor, he was required to endure times of separation and hardship before being released into the fullness of his calling. It was during these difficult times that character was being forged to prepare him for
being a king. Decisions he made in the wilderness helped formulate the pattern of David's life when he ascended to the throne.
A similar situation has occurred for many in the Church. It appears our enemies are prevailing, despite great promises given to us by the Holy Spirit. However, it is during times of disappointment and hardship that divine character is formed in us; we are purged and purified from our own carnal plans and agendas and equipped to faithfully accommodate the anointing. Righteous decisions that are made during these dry intervals will reap immeasurable dividends throughout the coming seasons of great prosperity that we are transitioning into.
While experiencing the baptism of trials, it is challenging to wait upon the Lord for His perfect timing in releasing all His promises to us. Like David, we cry out to the Lord, "How long must we endure these difficult and trying times?" Patiently, the Lord admonishes us to "be still" and wait for the completion of His sanctifying work of grace within us, allowing the full release of His anointing through us.
However, our tendency during these times is to "do something." So we often misinterpret ministry activity as "doing the will of the Father" and confuse endless motion with progress. In Matthew 7, Jesus describes many who were involved in ministry but their eternal destiny was outer darkness.
Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven. Matthew 7:21
In doing the Father's will, we access the Kingdom of Heaven and find favor and grace during times of need. In the Scripture, one of the Hebrew terms translated as "salvation" is yeshuash, which denotes deliverance, welfare, prosperity, and victory. Its unique application bespeaks deliverance from present troubles and the assurance that the Lord is aware of our condition and will intervene on our behalf. He assures us, saying:
'I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Our Savior's plans for us are for welfare and prosperity, not calamity. However, wilderness experiences are allowed to establish godly character in us and to allow us to sow seeds of righteousness that will reap bountiful harvests in the seasons ahead. We must pray with the same assurance as David, despite the external circumstances and trustingly realize that the Lord is faithful to His promises. Not one of His promises has ever failed in all of history.
A similar situation has occurred for many in the Church. It appears our enemies are prevailing, despite great promises given to us by the Holy Spirit. However, it is during times of disappointment and hardship that divine character is formed in us; we are purged and purified from our own carnal plans and agendas and equipped to faithfully accommodate the anointing. Righteous decisions that are made during these dry intervals will reap immeasurable dividends throughout the coming seasons of great prosperity that we are transitioning into.
While experiencing the baptism of trials, it is challenging to wait upon the Lord for His perfect timing in releasing all His promises to us. Like David, we cry out to the Lord, "How long must we endure these difficult and trying times?" Patiently, the Lord admonishes us to "be still" and wait for the completion of His sanctifying work of grace within us, allowing the full release of His anointing through us.
However, our tendency during these times is to "do something." So we often misinterpret ministry activity as "doing the will of the Father" and confuse endless motion with progress. In Matthew 7, Jesus describes many who were involved in ministry but their eternal destiny was outer darkness.
Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven. Matthew 7:21
In doing the Father's will, we access the Kingdom of Heaven and find favor and grace during times of need. In the Scripture, one of the Hebrew terms translated as "salvation" is yeshuash, which denotes deliverance, welfare, prosperity, and victory. Its unique application bespeaks deliverance from present troubles and the assurance that the Lord is aware of our condition and will intervene on our behalf. He assures us, saying:
'I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Our Savior's plans for us are for welfare and prosperity, not calamity. However, wilderness experiences are allowed to establish godly character in us and to allow us to sow seeds of righteousness that will reap bountiful harvests in the seasons ahead. We must pray with the same assurance as David, despite the external circumstances and trustingly realize that the Lord is faithful to His promises. Not one of His promises has ever failed in all of history.
Beholding God's Beauty
After years of walking with the Lord, David gave expression to his heart's longing. He
had ultimately concluded there was only one thing he truly desired and
one thing that would fully satisfy the purpose of his life: to dwell in
the house of the Lord all the days of his life and to behold the beauty
of the Lord and meditate in His Temple (Psalm 27:4).
David's passion was to gaze upon and perceive the Lord's beauty and delight in His loveliness. His expression signifies an experiential comprehension of the beauty realm of Heaven. Can we behold the King in all His beauty?
In Isaiah 33:14-15, the Holy Spirit through the prophet Isaiah asks a revealing question: "Who can live with continual burning?" Or, in other words: Who can live in an atmosphere where there are perpetual expressions of God's justice? The prophet provides the answers:
1. The one who walks righteously.
2. The one who speaks with sincerity.
3. The one who rejects unjust gain.
4. The one who shakes his hands so that they hold no bribe.
5. The one who stops his ears from hearing about bloodshed.
6. The one who shuts his eyes from looking upon evil.
Such a person lives in a state of consecration and purity, which allows them to dwell in the heavenly heights; their refuge will be the impregnable Rock. Such a person's heavenly bread will be provided and their spiritual water source will be sure. Such a person's eyes will see the King in all of His beauty and will behold the far-distant land (Isaiah 33:14-17).
Although the Lord first appeared as the suffering Lamb, He is now being revealed as the victorious King. Presently, Heaven is unveiling the Lord's great glory and kingly authority. It is our outstanding privilege to be offered the opportunity to possess anointed eyes to see, behold, and perceive the revelation of the King and His Kingdom design.
David's passion was to gaze upon and perceive the Lord's beauty and delight in His loveliness. His expression signifies an experiential comprehension of the beauty realm of Heaven. Can we behold the King in all His beauty?
In Isaiah 33:14-15, the Holy Spirit through the prophet Isaiah asks a revealing question: "Who can live with continual burning?" Or, in other words: Who can live in an atmosphere where there are perpetual expressions of God's justice? The prophet provides the answers:
1. The one who walks righteously.
2. The one who speaks with sincerity.
3. The one who rejects unjust gain.
4. The one who shakes his hands so that they hold no bribe.
5. The one who stops his ears from hearing about bloodshed.
6. The one who shuts his eyes from looking upon evil.
Such a person lives in a state of consecration and purity, which allows them to dwell in the heavenly heights; their refuge will be the impregnable Rock. Such a person's heavenly bread will be provided and their spiritual water source will be sure. Such a person's eyes will see the King in all of His beauty and will behold the far-distant land (Isaiah 33:14-17).
Although the Lord first appeared as the suffering Lamb, He is now being revealed as the victorious King. Presently, Heaven is unveiling the Lord's great glory and kingly authority. It is our outstanding privilege to be offered the opportunity to possess anointed eyes to see, behold, and perceive the revelation of the King and His Kingdom design.
To Behold by Revelation
According to biblical scholars, the Hebrew word chazah
means "to see, behold, or select for oneself." It appears fifty four
times, and in every period of biblical Hebrew. Chazah literally
signifies the ability to see "in a prophetic vision or as a seer in an
ecstatic state." In Numbers 24:4 the word means to see by way of a
prophet's vision, to see with intelligence and by an experience.
The oracle of him who hears the words of God, Who sees the vision of the Almighty, Falling down, yet having his eyes uncovered,
Through biblical promises, opportunities are given to apprehend experientially the glory attributes of God in perceptible and tangible ways as we "wait" upon Him. The sum of David's passions were captured in that one thing.
May it also be our chief desire to see, behold, comprehend, and explore the mysteries and infinite riches of the Lord's goodness and beauty and discover His plans and purposes for this unique hour in which we live so that we can build according to God's ordained model.
The oracle of him who hears the words of God, Who sees the vision of the Almighty, Falling down, yet having his eyes uncovered,
Through biblical promises, opportunities are given to apprehend experientially the glory attributes of God in perceptible and tangible ways as we "wait" upon Him. The sum of David's passions were captured in that one thing.
May it also be our chief desire to see, behold, comprehend, and explore the mysteries and infinite riches of the Lord's goodness and beauty and discover His plans and purposes for this unique hour in which we live so that we can build according to God's ordained model.
Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries
Email: mailto:inquiries@whitedoveministries.org?subject=Inquiry%20from%20Elijah%20List%20Subscriber
WhiteDove Ministries
Email: mailto:inquiries@whitedoveministries.org?subject=Inquiry%20from%20Elijah%20List%20Subscriber
Paul Keith Davis
has written numerous articles appearing in various Christian
publications, including the MorningStar Journal, Charisma and Church
Growth International. He has also written four books including "Thrones
of Our Soul," "Engaging The Revelatory Realm of Heaven,"
and "Books of Destiny," all dealing with prophetic mandates placed upon
the end-time generation. His newest book, "Angels That Gather,"
provides a Biblical outline for the harvest and insight to help access
our end of the age inheritance. Paul Keith and Wanda reside in Orange
Beach, Alabama. Together they have five children and five grandchildren.
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