Dear beloved bro and Pastor ------- thanks for calling the other day. I know you and your heart that there is no malice in you. That you love God and the people of God and you desire to prepare a people for God.
think about these questions? It will help us for the next chapter of our life and ministry. God asked me to rethink in line with His Word and I started to do that many years ago and found that what I read in the Bible and the way ministry is done is so different from what is written in the Bible.
God's Work must be done in God's way.
These questions are for Pastors of local churches.
1] Who is the centre of our life and ministry? God or Church [majority is church]
2] Are we building the local church together with Jesus? [majority build it according to tradition, observing and copying the Mega Church model (thinking that is the way of success)]
3] Are we making disciples who can make disciples out there in the "marketplace"? [majority training people how to function in their building [which they call "church" -how to lead in worship services, teach in cell groups, be ushers, ...].
4] Are we releasing [ trust in them and release them] the members of the local church to disciple the people in the "marketplace"? [majority feel secure when the members are found in their prayer meetings, commitee meetings, cell meetings ...]
5] Are we found in the "marketplace" standing along side our members [most of them are most of the time found in the "marketplace"] equipping them, listening to them, praying for them, encouraging them, lifting them up (when they fall), helping them to be "salt and light" and be godly leaders at home and the "marketplace". [majority including pastors homes are in a mess and "marketplace" mentality has influenced and swallowed them]
6] Are we and the church we are leading relevant to the World? [most of the local churches are not]
7] Are we threatened by new leaders [leaders in the marketplace] who are from our local churches functioning out there [making disciples, baptising, leading prayer meetings,...]. [majority of traditional pastors are insecure]
I desire to see the prayer meetings happening out there [ out of their church buildings] in their homes and "marketplace". I desire to see discipling [spiritual parenting] happening in the homes and the "marketplace". [I am not against praying in church buildings BUT it cannot be limited to that place]
Matthew 9:35-36 (NKJV) 35 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. 36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
:-? thinking
your friend and fellow minister.
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