8th November 2007
Dear Pastor Christopher,
Thank you for forwarding this email to me not once but 3 times! It must be real serious and for me, it is a way of God affirming something very important. On the morning of 6th November, I led a morning devotion with 5 missionaries in London . I spoke about the Christian leadership and the present problems of extravagance. Yesterday, when I lecture at the Bible College , on the topic; Kingdom of the Cults it led to the area of prosperity. There was a good discussion on how a Christian should live and how they should use their resources.
Of late there has been reports on the extravagance of some preachers who travel by their own private jets, own mansions, chauffeur driven in Rolls Royce, dine at the best restaurants, make ‘diva’ demands.... and the list goes on.
Our discussion came up with the followings;
Some of the students thought that Christians or leaders should not be poor but rich as our Lord bless us and enjoying their wealth is a good testimony of His providence.
Others thought that pastors must not live like kings.
Most agreed that there are two extremes but there should be a line drawn on how we interpret the blessings of God.
All agreed that God's work is not funded as the blessed refuse to part with the blessings.
The truth
There is obviously a mix reaction from the students and I was able to see their back grounds and the kind of impact it has on them. Since this matter of wealth and blessing has been constantly in my mind culminating in my sermon ‘Leadership and Servanthood and the flurry of emails I am getting on this topic, I would want to expound on it.
I believe in the blessings of God. The West has been blessed by God for many centuries as they were faithful to God. Look at their past heritage; churches, evangelism, missions, charity, and so many organizations to help others. Today we have a different form of Christianity that uses the blessings of God differently. The problem is how we interpret the word of God. When we want to hold on to the blessings of God and enjoy it, we quote Abraham, King David and Solomon and use all the scriptures we can find to proclaim our right to wealth. Preachers living a luxurious lifestyle are very common today. Even in poverty stricken Nigeria , we have Pastors in 3 piece suits driving BMWs while we see young children hungry in the streets. All this is because of the American form of Christianity that champions the leaders to enjoy their blessings without any or little conscience.
I do not mean that leaders or pastors must lead a meager life style but at least a moderate one which reflects humbleness and meekness that will not distance ourselves from the average man.. If there is anything to follow, we must take on the role model of our Lord Jesus and His teachings. When Jesus came, He came as a Servant King to serve and not to be served. When approach by the rich man on how to enter the Kingdom of God, he told him that if he want to be perfect, sell off everything, give to the poor and follow after Him.
In Matthew 16:24 (NKJV) Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Why do you think the blessing of God is an issue today? I have come to the following conclusions;
We do not read the word of God in a balance perspective; we often manipulate it to serve our own gain because we think that it is in the word and God is silent (in the physical sense), we think it is approval.
We lust for the material things of the world and want to make this world our ‘home’
We think wealth is our entitlement.
It is a greed culture that has no depth.
The present day theology is distorted in many churches
I have arguments from some quarters that their financial success is not from the church as they do not take from the church as they are business people. I am sad that they forget Deuteronomy 8:18 that says, it is God who gives us the power to get wealth. Many preachers got their wealth for speaking in seminars, teaching the word and selling CDs. They copyright their product and forget that all that they use are from God. What about His copyright?
Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV)
18 “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
How then should we treat wealth and blessings?
Freely you shall receive freely you shall give- Many of us have forgotten about this wonderful song or scripture but that is what we ought to do. The blessing of God is like manna, it is not for us to keep but to be given. If Christians do not hoard the money that they are blessed with, then God’s work will move a hundred fold with more lives being saved from the crutches of hell
The money do not belong to us, we are only stewarts.
Live moderately. Keep our lives simple and it will be a good testimony to many.
A river of living water- when God bless an individual, the money stays with him/her. He owns the private jets, mansions, holidays money, comfort, cars and …only one person and his /her family enjoys it but if it flows out many will enjoy it.
Use the money wisely, for evangelism, missions and meeting the needs of the under privileged. There are so many missionaries waiting to be sent. Just because they are not from our church we cannot send them. This church mentality need to be replaced with a kingdom mentality. I know of so many missionaries struggling to serve God simply because, we are so indifferent.
JL Grady wrote an excellent article on this. Click on to the appended website and you shall be blessed richly.
Why is the US Senate Finance Committee investigating the 6 big TV ministries?
All this ministries are registered charity and are not subjected to tax because it is supposed to be used to help the needy. It is clearly define by law and the government of the past which was Christian in nature, gave this right to the church.
When preachers used private jets, live like kings, and have millions in the banks, the secular too can sense something is wrong. Money that is supposed to be used for charity is now being used for worldly pleasure. This supposedly leaders of God think it is their entitlement and the government is now questioning. Do you not think they should be taxed like everybody else. In the name of charity, many have abused the privilege. You do not need to be spiritual to know the truth but yet many of us who has the word are deceived into believing that it is an entitlement to live extravagantly. If this men and women who were blessed by God live a moderate lifestyle like Billy Graham and use all their blessings for charity, then the government will not give problem or investigate. It is sad God has to use the world to teach us a lesson. I pray that all rich men and women of God read this article and understand our requirement. Remember MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH IS REQUIRED OF US.
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