Just like Us!
Reading: Acts 4:23-31
"Lord, enable Your servants to speak Your Word with great boldness" ( Acts 4:29 )
Missionaries are not angels or supermen. They are men and women just like us. The only difference is that they chose to go whereas we decided to stay. Even amidst all friends, fellowship and feeding we struggle with our problems. By and large the missionary is a lone man in the field. His spiritual problems are numerous. His coworker is but a fellow-struggler! How much they need our prayer! Let's watch and pray that they may not fall into temptation.
Pray for the missionaries' physical problems also. Health problems due to extreme climatic conditions, poor sanitation and water supply and inadequate medical facilities are all too common. Pray for the workers' safety in travel and protection from wild animals, poisonous insects and accidents.
Then there are psychological problems. Separation from children and kith and kin, hostility of the native people, misunderstanding among the coworkers, lack of fruit in the field and the like are the causes. Pray that God may grant a fresh and free spirit to the missionaries and fill them with His joy and peace unspeakable. Pray that the missionaries may not be alarmed by people like "Alexander the coppersmith" ( 2 Tim 4:14 ). Our prayers will keep them bold in all situations ( Acts 4:24-31 ).
Missionaries have adapted a simple lifestyle, yet they have financial problems. Making both ends meet with the allowances paid by the organisation is not always easy. There is no provision for several unforeseen expenses. Money is not everything but money matters! Not a few leave the ministry being unable to cope with the financial stress.
We must pray for the ministerial problems the missionary faces. They are simply too many. Suddenly a Demas leaves the team ( 2 Tim 4:10 ). And Barnabas separates because of a dispute over a simple matter ( Acts 15:36-40 ). Trophimus falls sick and so the team's strength decreases ( 2 Tim 4:20 ). Let's imagine such probable problems of the frontline workers while we pray.
Pray for a daily anointing on the missionary for power and purity. He must keep knowing God as he goes making Him known. Pray and protect the missionary from all discouragement, depressions and dullness. If the supplyliners are faithful, they will be rewarded just like the frontliners ( 1 Sam 30:24 ).
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