“What is The Church?”
By Tom Sparks
The Church is a people, not a place.
The Church is a living being, not a building.
The Church is founded on Christ, not man.
The Church is a Bride, not a business.
The Church is a relational community, not a programed event.
The Church is about Jesus, not centered in man.
The Church is called to reveal Jesus, not the will of man.
The Church is universal.
The Church is local.
The Church is a place to come to learn of Christ.
The Church is the pillar and ground of the truth.
The Church is a revelatory environment.
The Church is a participatory experience.
The Church is Jesus’ Church.
The Church is under grace, not law.
The Church is free, not bound.
The Church is alive, not dead.
The Church is about Jesus, not money or man’s traditions.
The Church is His body, not our place of legacy.
The Church is for His glory, not the development of our significance.
The Church is secure in Him, not in numbers, resources, or bank account.
The Church’s leadership is based in Jesus’ headship, not man’s hierarchy.
The Church’s leadership is servant based, not user oriented.
The Church’s leadership is gentle, not harsh.
The Church’s leadership is example oriented, not control oriented.
The Church’s leadership is overseeing, not domineering.
The Church’s leadership is about giving, not demanding.
The Church’s leadership reflects Jesus, not personal aspiration.
Is this the Church and Leadership you know?
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