Copthorne Orchid Hotel, Tanjung Bunga – April 9 & 10, 2008
Dear Friends
God has stirred our hearts in this Year of the Olympics to host the 3rd “Burn Again Conference” here in our beautiful island of Penang , Malaysia on 9th & 10th of April, 2008.
The choice of dates is to link your visit & participation to another conference (The Eagles Leadership Conference) happening in our Island on the 11th & 12th of April. It’s exciting that you will be able to plug into the Ministry of the Word and the Spirit in these two conferences.
As in the two previous Burn Again Conferences, we are seeking to encourage especially the “hidden“ servants of God who are serving tirelessly in difficult places or obscure yet vital roles. In 1996, after our first year of pioneering Marketplace Penang , we were doubtful as to the effectiveness of our emerging ministry. But the Lord encouraged us in a dream saying: “You are not in little league. You are in big league.”
We believe in God’s economy, the ministry of the “hidden” servants of God is very significant and a potential powerhouse to winning souls and making disciples for Christ our Lord. We invite your kind recommendation to link us to one or two such brethren to join in this season of refreshing at the feet of the Jesus our Lord.
The Burn Again Conference will be a simple gathering guided by these core ministry values:
Targeting Ministers who lack support & networking
Leading & Teaching by Ordinary Ministers who are enjoying God’s extraordinariness
Minimal Organization with Maximum Participation
Affected severely by the financial “tsunami” of 1997, Pr Reggie has experienced God’s miraculous financial provision & vocational transformation. From operating several restaurants in Penang, God brought him to London in 2003 where he now works as a consultant to a chain of Asian restaurants. Reggie has written several exciting books viz. “Porridge for the Believers”, “ America in Prophecy” and “Higher Ground.” He is a licensed preacher in UK and teaches at the Luton branch of the South London Bible College . Pr Reggie has proposed the theme for this year’s conference: “New Wine & New Wineskins.” With his dear wife, Ann, they have brought up three beautiful daughters, Shasha, Lu-Ann, & Sarah.
Pr Sam completed two degrees at one-go during his studies in Texas , USA . Upon his return to Penang, he taught at KDU College and pioneered Excel Point Community Centre which is currently one of fastest growing churches in Penang . Despite the hectic pace as Senior Pastor of a multi-congregation church, Pr Sam has not abandoned his passion for mission and the mentoring of leaders. He leads his church to invest heavily in the building up of pastors in many nations around our region. Pr Sam shares the ministry with his lovely wife, Susie and their two children, Jeremy & Ashley.
Pr Fernando was a professional Oboe player in the Portuguese Military Symphonic Orchestra for 20 years with the rank of sergeant major. He first came to Malaysia with Portuguese Evangelist, Luis Cabral during the tsunami days of 2004. He was back again twice in 2006. In 2007 God placed on him an urgency to bring his wife, Sonia & their 2 kids, Gabriel and Gabriella to Malaysia . They have chosen Penang as their ministry base. Pr Fernando believes God has called him to stir His people into majestic worship & intimacy with God.
PR CHRISTOPHER KRISHNA is a former Malaysian Karate champion. He has now taken the fight of faith into the nations of the world viz Thailand , Indonesia , India , NZ and England . For some his strong uncompromising prophetic ministry has been tough to follow and swallow! He is totally sold out to the Word of God and is moved by the Book
not the cheque book! His mission is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable! There is never a dull moment when he preaches. Pr Chris travels often with his dear wife, Vijaya. They have one daughter, Dama.
We believe God will add to the conference His other choice servants. Pray with us to be surprised by God. Enter the “red-hot” arena” of God’s dealings with these servants of God! For those who are coming from our neighboring nations, we are trusting God for His provision to assist some with partial travel subsidy. If you or someone you know can help in this sponsorship, please read the Registration Form (see below) for details. Thank you for your kind partnership in this faith venture.
Abraham & Irene Gan, Conference Hosts
22 Puncak Bukit Mutiara Satu. 11200 Penang . Malaysia
Email: abrahamgan@hotmail.com
Organized By Marketplace Penang
Rev/Pastor/Dr/Mr/Ms :
Mailing Address:
Telephone: Email:
Nationality: Date of Birth:
Base Church / Ministry:
Your Role/Position:
Your Work/Business/Profession:
If you are unable to come after Registering, kindly inform us as soon as possible. Your registration fee will be considered as your love gift to the Conference.
Please forward this form with your Registration Fee of US Twenty
Dollars or Ringgit Sixty only. This Registration Fee covers all
conference meals & materials. Free accomodation is provided for
those from outside Penang Island .
Please forward your love gift by check in the name of
MARKETPLACE MANAGEMENT or you can bank in to our
Public Bank Account no. 3127985014.
BY POST: 22 Puncak Bukit Mutiara Satu. 11200
Penang . Malaysia
BY FAX: 60-4-8908872
BY EMAIL: abrahamgan@hotmail.com