zoe ministries
GL Garden 01-21-02, Solok Paya Terubong 8, 11060 Penang, Malaysia
House Phone: 604-8277554 Hand Phone: 60165318276.
Email: cvs3zoe@yahoo.com
Ephesians 4:11-12 (NKJV) 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,
Revelation 7:9 (NKJV) 9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
FloydMclung, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (William Carey Library, 1999)
"I know when apostolic passion has died in my heart. It happens when I don't spend my quiet time dreaming of the time when Jesus will be worshiped in languages that aren't yet heard in heaven. I know it's missing from my life when I sing about heaven, but live as if earth is my home. Apostolic passion is dead in my heart when I dream more about sports, toys, places to go, and people to see, than I do about the nations worshiping Jesus."
Friends, we pray that as an apostolic generation we will not lose sight of Revelation 7:9. That is the “dream” of the Father in heaven and should be the dream of every child of God. We need that same apostolic passion that was in the Son of God to be in us and move us to finish this work with excellence. We need to join our hearts, hands and share the resources that God has released to finish HIS WORK. Let us pray together against this empire building spirit [anti-Christ spirit that is at work within the church]. Much of the resources are wasted in “dead stones”. We should be investing our resources in “living stones” [The people of God and those who are not yet]. We should be using the resources to help send workers to the “field”.
I thank you for praying for us as we served the local churches in Sabah and Singapore from 4/6 to 16/6/2010. Below is the testimony send by Pastor Gideon from Rhema Blessed Church from Keningau, Sabah.
To Ptr. Christopher,
First I want to thank God for allowing you to come here in Keningau. I
believe this is not the will of man but this is His divine plan for you.
For two days and two nights you spoke about the heart of the Father to His
children; The heart of the children to His Father.
You shared about what God wants, it’s not having big building but having
the temple of God (Holy Spirit) in us (People).
You shared about the reason why Jesus came to the world; His priority is
to preach salvation to everyone. Jesus encourages us as a Servant of God
to let the people know about Him (Jesus). Not about an organization nor
the Church building but the Kingdom of God. You also discuss about How we
can become a faithful Servant of The Most High God. I saw in you the
manifestation of a humble Spirit, has fire in your heart. The teaching
that we heard from you is very powerful and uplifting.
May The Lord’s presence continue to be seen in you, your family and your
Thank you,
From Pr. Gedion
RBC Keningau
Update of coming ministries.
Thailand [28/6 to 3/7] Ministry and time of Rest -Phuket
24/6/2010 Thursday Service -Ministry at Emmanuel Word Centre –Kulim –Kedah
27/6/2010 Sunday Service –Emma faith Nurturing Centre –Penang
11/7/2010 Emma Faith Nurturing Centre –Penang
15/7/2010 Emmanuel Word Centre –Kulim –Kedah
25/7/2010 Reservoir Garden Baptist Church -Penang
5/8/2010 Emmanuel Word Centre –Kulim- Kedah
8/8/2010 Trinity Bible Church -Penang
29/8/2010 Emma Faith Nurturing Centre –Penang
31/7/2010 An Afternoon with Christopher.K in Open Hand Fellowship on Spiritual Leadership
1/8/2010 Open Hand Fellowship
Australia –August [pray for more doors to open] 12/8 to 25/8/2010
13/8 PM –Reach Community Church –Melbourne
14/8 AM- Men’s Breakfast Meeting –Reach Community Church –Melbourne
15/8 AM –Sunday Morning Service–Reach Community Church –Melbourne
India –Kerala / Tamil Nadu –September 7th to 25th.
11/9 to 16/9 Highlands Immanuel Fellowship -Kochi
18/9 10am to 4pm New Life Fellowship -Kochi
19/9 7am Tamil –New Life fellowship -Kochi
9am English –New Life Fellowship –Kochi
11am Malayalam –New Life Fellowship -Kochi
20/9 to 24/9 Chennai –Tamil Nadu
Friends, we are a faith ministry and when you are lead by God to give towards our living and ministry, please direct it to
I/C Number -540303-07-5307
May Bank account number : 107125195025
Home Branch number 07125 -KAMPONG BHARU
Swift Code: MBBEMYKL
Account number: 548-2-01969-4
Become a blessing to the nations by sending us to the nations to disciple the nations.
In His Majesty’s service
Christopher.K [Krishnasamy s/o Ramasamy] and Vijaya.K
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