Get The Fire Raging
Consider a fire says the Lord. How much does it take to cause it to rage out of control? It takes just a spark and the right environment and before you know it, it has spread beyond anything that is containable. So is it with my spirit says the Lord. You have sought me to stir up the fire inside of you. At times you have felt dead and wondered even if I am near to you.
You have cried out to me so that you could feel my power again. But my child it only takes a spark of my presence to cause the fire to rage again. Do you not realize that deep inside of your spirit I have already put this spark? Only stop for a moment and realize that I have already put that flame in you since the day you were born again. I have put a desire inside of you to serve me. I have put a fire inside of you to make a difference. I have put a fire inside of you to change your circumstances.
If you will stop for a moment and just remember this small flame that already burns inside of you, you will start to see a massive difference in your life. Do you not feel my presence even now? I am right by you, calling to you and stirring up things inside of you that you thought were dead. Put aside the failures and disappointments of the past and look only to my promises. Look only at the desire that I put inside of you from the beginning.
As you do this, the small desire inside of you will begin to grow. I will blow my wind on it. What started as a small hope and vision will suddenly burst full flame into a grand hope and vision. I have not forsaken you child. I have been there all along. Glowing quietly inside of you. Tap once again into that desire and hope and soon you will see a massive change in your life and in your passion to serve me says the Lord.
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