Concerning the Church and its mandate on planet earth!
In this age of the internet and with such powerful online communities as we find on facebook, there is the tendency to consider the “Church” as dead! This tendency is largely borne out of how Satan has skilfully engineered in the mind of some teachers, a misconception of what the Church is.
The Church is not and can never be the building, contrary to what religious folks would have us believe. The Church is also not the denomination, contrary to what religious leaders think. Denominations have in the last 100 years or so done more harm than good. They have been built on strife, competition and a wrong emphasis on dogma of men as opposed to the clear word of God. Each denomination is flawed because their very existence is proof of the triumph of humanism. Above all, denominations divide the Body of Christ and make John 17 of none effect!
The Church is not physical. It is an invisible spiritual entity far beyond the imagination of mere mortals. The Church is the Body of Christ, the Habitation of God by the Spirit. The Church of Jesus Christ is not an “I” but a “We” concept. It is not a “mine” but an “Our” concept. Unfortunately for those who proclaim that it is dead, The Church cannot die. It came into being on the sure foundation of the Blood that its Head and Saviour Jesus Christ shed at the Cross of Calvary.
Jesus did not just come to redeem the individual penitent sinner. He also came to announce the Kingdom of God and call out a people peculiar unto Himself who would be His Church and Body on Planet Earth, through whom He will be made manifest. The Church is to be His witness until He returns. Some of the ordinances He decreed for His Church - including baptism, washing of feet and breaking of bread/ communion were designed to keep this truth in focus.
Psalms 42:1-2 describes the heart of Christians who yearns for more of God and Matthew 5:6 speak of the readiness of God to fill up such a heart! You have every cause therefore to expect, in faith, that the Lord will satisfy the yearnings of your soul. Hebrews 10:24,25 offers strong reasons why every one who is redeemed by the blood should be open to the specific leading of the Holy Spirit to be part of a local assembly.
It is necessary to state, clearly, that the Local Assembly is not The Church. It is but a local expression of an invisible, universal entity!
The Local Assembly God will place you in however, cannot be a religious corporation or family owned religious empire. God will never place you in a spiritual dead end where your gifts and callings will atrophy. God will not place you in a religious environment where you are put down and discriminated against because you happen to be a woman or of a particular racial or ethnic stock. He will not put you in a place where you are discriminated against because of your lower income or educational qualifications.
God will not force you to consult Him before you take up membership of a Local Assembly. He will not force you to leave the Assembly if all that they do are contrary to His laws. God will not force Himself on you. God will respect your capacity to choose for yourself, if you decide that His opinion does not count. God has a perfect will for you in everything concerning your life.
If God cares for who you marry and what career to pursue, shall God nor much more have a perfect will in where you receive spiritual nourishment to be all that He created and redeemed you to be? If the Word of God clearly articulates why you should not live in isolation but be joined to a local expression of His universal Church, it makes sense that God will have you fellowship where He is worshipped in Spirit and Truth.
It makes sense that God will join you to a group, not on the basis of your personal preference or the charismatic nature of the preacher. He will NEVER place you where you are a spectator, perpetually warming the pews. He will not join you to a place where your money or intellectual brilliance or contacts/social reach will enhance their stature!
God will join you to where you will be a specific functioning part. You are a spiritual asset that is loaded with capacity to make a difference in the life of others. You are created and redeemed to also receive constant spiritual nourishment in your spirit and soul and from other brethren who are in fellowship with you.
The local assembly is still a necessary part of God’s plan for His Church and the Kingdom. However, because of the massive corruption that strange doctrines and practices have inflicted on the Church, the Lord has ordained three experiences designed to renew and revitalize the Church. These are Reformation, Restoration and Revival. The Lord will be bringing forth expositions on what these three words mean and why those experiences are so necessary.
God is raising a breed of true saints who realize that the Kingdom of God they receive in their hearts and its lifestyle they subscribe to makes it impossible for them to live with closed minds which is what denominationalism requires. These are saints who realize that the Church of Jesus Christ is one and that He calls all of us, in the light of the truths of Galatians 3: 13 - 29 to live diffferently. These saints realize that every blood washed fellow is our brother and sister and we owe them the same obligations demanded by God.
Yet these brethren do not seperate themselves and live in isolation. No, they are going back to the bible to discover and apply ALL the express provisions in the master plan God gave for building His Body on earth. They do not want to take chances to build with combustible substances. As we commune, there are many places and groups of people across the world where these experiences are already happening and the power of the Church is being demonstrated again.
This week therefore, we will be open to the Holy Spirit to present through the Holy Bible a further revelation of what the Church is, its mandate and its relationship with the Kingdom of God. We will see the lifespan of the Church vis a vis the Kingdom of God, the Powers of the Church and its authority.
We will see clearly why Satan hates the Church with perfect hatred and why He will do any and everything to discredit and bring the Church to opprobrium. We will also see the extent of the dangerous rift he is engineering within the Church just to dissipate her strength and make the Church incapable of engaging with and overcoming his schemes.
Scriptures to reflect on throughout the week: John 13:34,35; John 17; Acts 1: 1-8; Acts chapter 2; Acts 6:1 -7; Romans 12:1-8; 1 Corinthians 3:1 - 16; 1 Corinthians Chapters 12,13,14; Ephesians 3:10; Ephesians chapters 4 and 5; 1 Peter 4: 8 – 11; Hebrews 10:23 - 25.
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