The "T" Word
I'm tired of it. It is a word that I am honestly sick of hearing over and over for the past few months, and even years, and has just simply worn me out. Despite my personal feelings on the matter, I cannot seem to get away from its sound. When I watch the news, read the paper, talk to friends or even spend time in prayer—there it is again! This expression has haunted me for several months and is almost eerie to my ears now. It is currently being used in virtually every sphere and sector of society to describe the state of mankind in our day. The world of politics, economics, sports, medicine and even the Church are using this single word to describe the significant shift taking place: Transition.
Revelation in the Mundane
Every leader and director from the BURN 24-7 movement across the globe has been pressing into the heart of God with consecrated hearts, asking for fresh perspective for the New Year. It has once again been a rich time flooded with unreal encounters in the presence of God. Our tribe corporately carries a burden and resolve to not just lazily and lethargically stumble into another year as if nothing is changing except a "10" instead of a "9" on our calendars. We MUST be guided by fresh revelation, intuition and unction as we literally are ushered into a new season across the world, whether we are ready or not! Similar to Joseph, Daniel and even the sons of Issachar in the Bible, we long to be a people that the world even councils to interpret the "times and the seasons."
During our fast, I was unpacking a ridiculous amount of boxes in my new home when God began to speak to me. I was tired, a little irritated and very overwhelmed at all the work before me during the few days I was home. It was in this uncomfortable place that God decided to show up and download some fresh stuff into my spirit.. I think it's funny how He loves to choose the most seemingly random moments to reveal heavenly perspective to His children. It does not always occur during the intense prayer, worship and pressing-in times, when we feel we are most "postured" to listen. I think God just might be attracted to the routine, mundane and sometimes even boring parts of our lives. What if He actually delights in dwelling with us during the 98% of our lives we are not in church services, prayer meetings or quiet times? That's just a little thought to mull on.
There it is Again
My wife Kate and I recently moved to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on a dream, a word and a whim. Seriously! God violently hijacked our California dreams and took us back to the East Coast to partner with His burning heart to see young revivalists and Davidic musicianaries—empowered through grace and faith—strike down the giant of humanism towering over a generation. A beautiful community of radical lovers have welcomed us in with open arms and we feel caught in the swirl of destiny.
So here I am, in the middle of the frigid and snowy tundra of the Northeast (which is a far cry from mild Texas). As I'm expending myself to unpack the last four years of my life (that has never really been unpacked) in an unfamiliar, cold and dusty old house—God speaks. The infamous, repetitive and annoying word that I have been working hard to escape reaches my ears yet again: Transition.
I hear the words the Spirit speaks: "The year of the greatest transition in human history."
Immediately, I am brought to 2 Corinthians 3:18:
"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
The Perpetual State
Although I've heard this verse many times before, the revelation dawned that we are sons and daughters of God who remain on a mortal earth and live in a perpetual state of transition. It is no longer a buzzword or the greatest and latest Christian rhetoric, but it's actually factual Biblical truth! With every single breath and heartbeat, and during every mundane task of life, a glorious transformation is taking place! We are caught in the "ever increasing glory" and are transitioning to look more and more radiant—just like He is! Now we may not always feel this radiant (especially when unpacking a house), but it is surely taking place.
As I was sitting on the 70-year-old hardwood floors and frustrated at a massive "to do" list in front of me, it was as if God was saying to me:
"You better get used to this and not get too comfortable with your life! Don't forget why you are here and where you are going, son! This is a year where I am transitioning you farther and faster than ever before, so get ready!"
In that single moment, a supernatural grace and heavenly perspective was released on my heart to receive and catch this revelation. It afforded me the opportunity to rejoice in this journey as a "peculiar" and "otherworldly" creature on a mortal planet that is truly not my ultimate destination. I began to shed off the feelings of "annoyance" and invite the transition of the Spirit to sweep me up and be in sync with His heart.
Even the World Knows
Just as many a structure, system and creature on the earth can feel and are actually prophesying about this great global transition, so we must be more aware and ready to receive it! They are eagerly looking for the answers, the meaning and the Person that is to come. I was struck by this a few days ago as I was walking through Times Square in New York City. I was chatting with a retail store worker only a few days after the world gathered on her city streets to party and usher in the New Year.
During that same moment, we were gathered across the Hudson River and hunkered down in a warehouse packed with hundreds of wild, screaming and passionate worshippers. It was intense, raw and beautifully random as we beckoned the gaze of Heaven to fix on the nation through 100 hours of fiery worship and prayer. It was the most epic New Year's celebration I was ever a part of!
Back to the retail worker—I asked this lady what she thought about the New Year already underway. She responded by saying, "I'm not really sure...but I feel something big is coming...we all do." I was shocked at her prophetic gifting and realized God was releasing this same feeling of anticipation on even the lost of the world! That is why Romans 8:19 remarks that: "All creation groans for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed!"
Fathers to Sons
Well, guess what? Here we are. It is time to awaken to the revelation of our high calling and throw off the yoke of cynicism, hope deferred and false humility. Those entanglements and excuses will do you no good in the year 2010. Allow the Spirit of faith and a "great grace" to rise up to pull you out of the mire and hopelessness of humanity! These are the greatest hours of the history of the world!
With the recent heavenly homecoming of many great men and women of God in our day, lofty mantles, mandates and callings are just waiting for a generation to boldly pick them up. This current transition is from fathers to sons and mothers to daughters. Among these evangelists, revivalists, pioneers and men and women of great faith were Jill Austin and Oral Roberts. Having known Jill for a few years and even traveled with her to the Holy Land, and having attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and earning my degree there, I along with an entire generation, am reaching out to carry this legacy forward where they left off. The baton has changed hands and we have no choice but to run, run, RUN the race marked out before us!
Let Us Embrace It
The current shakings, shiftings and season of transition will continue and must continue! They will not only continue in this hour, but they will increase and accelerate. So let us embrace it! Allow the Lord to cleanse your heart with pure and living water and prepare you for the most dynamic and grand transition the world has ever seen that is coming in this New Year!
Genuine excitement, incredible thrill and the unpredictability of the Spirit is coming back to the Western Church and we will welcome it! China, Nepal and parts of the Middle East are already reaping the fruit of this explosion of the Kingdom and transition in our day. Miracles, signs and wonders, and salvations are taking place in unprecedented numbers. Now it's the rest of the world's turn to enter into it. So much glory is being released in the accessibility of His presence that we may not even recognize ourselves with this radiance upon us next year!
Let us embrace and welcome the "Year of the Greatest Transition in Human History!"
Sean Feucht
Founder, BURN 24-7
Email: info@theburn247.com
Sean and Kate Feucht
About Sean Feucht: Sean and his wife Kate are the founders of Burn 24-7—powerful, prolonged experiences of worshiping the Father and intercession for the nations. Their undying vision is to ignite and establish places of continual worship and prayer that will affect the spiritual atmospheres, climates and cultures of cities and regions for the Kingdom of God. Sean has released five prophetic worship albums and travels around the nation leading worship and speaking at conferences, camps, services and BURN 24-7 furnaces.
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