GL Garden 01-21-02, Solok Paya Terubong 8, 11060 Penang, Malaysia House Phone: 604-8277554 Hand Phone: 60165318276. Email: Ephesians 4:11-12 (NKJV) 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,
Senin, 28 April 2008
This week's Meditation: “What is The Church?”
By Tom Sparks
The Church is a people, not a place.
The Church is a living being, not a building.
The Church is founded on Christ, not man.
The Church is a Bride, not a business.
The Church is a relational community, not a programed event.
The Church is about Jesus, not centered in man.
The Church is called to reveal Jesus, not the will of man.
The Church is universal.
The Church is local.
The Church is a place to come to learn of Christ.
The Church is the pillar and ground of the truth.
The Church is a revelatory environment.
The Church is a participatory experience.
The Church is Jesus’ Church.
The Church is under grace, not law.
The Church is free, not bound.
The Church is alive, not dead.
The Church is about Jesus, not money or man’s traditions.
The Church is His body, not our place of legacy.
The Church is for His glory, not the development of our significance.
The Church is secure in Him, not in numbers, resources, or bank account.
The Church’s leadership is based in Jesus’ headship, not man’s hierarchy.
The Church’s leadership is servant based, not user oriented.
The Church’s leadership is gentle, not harsh.
The Church’s leadership is example oriented, not control oriented.
The Church’s leadership is overseeing, not domineering.
The Church’s leadership is about giving, not demanding.
The Church’s leadership reflects Jesus, not personal aspiration.
Is this the Church and Leadership you know?
Left or Right?
Reading : John 3:16-20
"Whenever you turn to the right or the left,
you will hear a word from behind you: This is the way; walk in it" ( Isa 30:21 )
Extremism leads to eccentricity, and eccentricity to seclusion and sectarianism. Christians are divided and dwarfed because of imbalance. Biblical truth is parallel. It's like a bird; it cannot fly on one wing! If we are sincere to the Holy Scriptures and submitted to the Holy Spirit, we can claim the promise in the memory text of today for all our understanding and undertakings. Let's balance two truths today.
Love of God and Wrath of God
Someone said, "God is too loving to send anyone to eternal hell." The other person answered, "At the same time God is too holy to allow a sinner into Heaven!" For a broken and repentant sinner the love of God must be presented. For a stiff-necked person the wrath of God must be stressed. Apostle Paul balances this twin characters of God beautifully in Romans 11:22 . "Consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you goodness, if you continue in His goodness." When the wrath and holiness of God are not sufficiently stressed there will be no fear of God. The love of God and the wrath of God are inseparable on the Cross. A minister who speaks only about the love of God will produce spurious converts and the one who speaks only about the wrath of God sad Christians. Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892), known as the Prince of Preachers, put it rightly: "The sword of judgment threatens us no more; but the rod of parents is still in use!"
Present and Future
There are some who insist on the fulfillment of several eschatological promises right today. Others are content to be hoping of a glorious future at the Second Coming of Christ. The first group calls the second as futurists. I believe most of the New Testament promises have both a present and a future fulfillment. For example, take the subject of holiness. We can be "purified" today but will be "perfected" only at the Coming of the Lord ( 1 Jn 3:2 , 3 ; l Thess 5:23). Similarly the question of healing. We can enjoy the benefits of Calvary only to a certain extent in our bodies today. But the full benefit will be enjoyed at the redemption of our body which we await ( Rom 8:23 ). Disease or death is not totally eradicated today. The "last" enemy that will be destroyed is death ( 1 Cor 15:26 ). Another subject of interest is the Kingdom of God . The spiritual Kingdom is already "within us," but the literal one is still in the future ( Lk 17:21 ; Rom 14:17 ; Mt 6:10 ; 2 Tim 2:12).
8th November 2007
Dear Pastor Christopher,
Thank you for forwarding this email to me not once but 3 times! It must be real serious and for me, it is a way of God affirming something very important. On the morning of 6th November, I led a morning devotion with 5 missionaries in London . I spoke about the Christian leadership and the present problems of extravagance. Yesterday, when I lecture at the Bible College , on the topic; Kingdom of the Cults it led to the area of prosperity. There was a good discussion on how a Christian should live and how they should use their resources.
Of late there has been reports on the extravagance of some preachers who travel by their own private jets, own mansions, chauffeur driven in Rolls Royce, dine at the best restaurants, make ‘diva’ demands.... and the list goes on.
Our discussion came up with the followings;
Some of the students thought that Christians or leaders should not be poor but rich as our Lord bless us and enjoying their wealth is a good testimony of His providence.
Others thought that pastors must not live like kings.
Most agreed that there are two extremes but there should be a line drawn on how we interpret the blessings of God.
All agreed that God's work is not funded as the blessed refuse to part with the blessings.
The truth
There is obviously a mix reaction from the students and I was able to see their back grounds and the kind of impact it has on them. Since this matter of wealth and blessing has been constantly in my mind culminating in my sermon ‘Leadership and Servanthood and the flurry of emails I am getting on this topic, I would want to expound on it.
I believe in the blessings of God. The West has been blessed by God for many centuries as they were faithful to God. Look at their past heritage; churches, evangelism, missions, charity, and so many organizations to help others. Today we have a different form of Christianity that uses the blessings of God differently. The problem is how we interpret the word of God. When we want to hold on to the blessings of God and enjoy it, we quote Abraham, King David and Solomon and use all the scriptures we can find to proclaim our right to wealth. Preachers living a luxurious lifestyle are very common today. Even in poverty stricken Nigeria , we have Pastors in 3 piece suits driving BMWs while we see young children hungry in the streets. All this is because of the American form of Christianity that champions the leaders to enjoy their blessings without any or little conscience.
I do not mean that leaders or pastors must lead a meager life style but at least a moderate one which reflects humbleness and meekness that will not distance ourselves from the average man.. If there is anything to follow, we must take on the role model of our Lord Jesus and His teachings. When Jesus came, He came as a Servant King to serve and not to be served. When approach by the rich man on how to enter the Kingdom of God, he told him that if he want to be perfect, sell off everything, give to the poor and follow after Him.
In Matthew 16:24 (NKJV) Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Why do you think the blessing of God is an issue today? I have come to the following conclusions;
We do not read the word of God in a balance perspective; we often manipulate it to serve our own gain because we think that it is in the word and God is silent (in the physical sense), we think it is approval.
We lust for the material things of the world and want to make this world our ‘home’
We think wealth is our entitlement.
It is a greed culture that has no depth.
The present day theology is distorted in many churches
I have arguments from some quarters that their financial success is not from the church as they do not take from the church as they are business people. I am sad that they forget Deuteronomy 8:18 that says, it is God who gives us the power to get wealth. Many preachers got their wealth for speaking in seminars, teaching the word and selling CDs. They copyright their product and forget that all that they use are from God. What about His copyright?
Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV)
18 “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
How then should we treat wealth and blessings?
Freely you shall receive freely you shall give- Many of us have forgotten about this wonderful song or scripture but that is what we ought to do. The blessing of God is like manna, it is not for us to keep but to be given. If Christians do not hoard the money that they are blessed with, then God’s work will move a hundred fold with more lives being saved from the crutches of hell
The money do not belong to us, we are only stewarts.
Live moderately. Keep our lives simple and it will be a good testimony to many.
A river of living water- when God bless an individual, the money stays with him/her. He owns the private jets, mansions, holidays money, comfort, cars and …only one person and his /her family enjoys it but if it flows out many will enjoy it.
Use the money wisely, for evangelism, missions and meeting the needs of the under privileged. There are so many missionaries waiting to be sent. Just because they are not from our church we cannot send them. This church mentality need to be replaced with a kingdom mentality. I know of so many missionaries struggling to serve God simply because, we are so indifferent.
JL Grady wrote an excellent article on this. Click on to the appended website and you shall be blessed richly.
Why is the US Senate Finance Committee investigating the 6 big TV ministries?
All this ministries are registered charity and are not subjected to tax because it is supposed to be used to help the needy. It is clearly define by law and the government of the past which was Christian in nature, gave this right to the church.
When preachers used private jets, live like kings, and have millions in the banks, the secular too can sense something is wrong. Money that is supposed to be used for charity is now being used for worldly pleasure. This supposedly leaders of God think it is their entitlement and the government is now questioning. Do you not think they should be taxed like everybody else. In the name of charity, many have abused the privilege. You do not need to be spiritual to know the truth but yet many of us who has the word are deceived into believing that it is an entitlement to live extravagantly. If this men and women who were blessed by God live a moderate lifestyle like Billy Graham and use all their blessings for charity, then the government will not give problem or investigate. It is sad God has to use the world to teach us a lesson. I pray that all rich men and women of God read this article and understand our requirement. Remember MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH IS REQUIRED OF US.
Kamis, 24 April 2008
Dear Friends and Partners in the Kingdom of God ,
This morning I was reading Jeremiah chapter 36 .
Much of the Book of Jeremiah was written long after the prophet delivered his sermons. This chapter gives the circumstances. Jeremiah has been forbidden to enter the temple area ( Jer 36:5 ), so he dictates the messages he has given to a skilled scribe named Baruch. Baruch then goes to the temple compound during a religious festival and reads the scroll aloud from an upstairs window ( Jer 36:1–10 ). This is reported to the king’s officials, who politely ask Baruch to read his material to them. They realize at once that it has been dictated by Jeremiah (v v. 11–19 ). After urging Baruch and Jeremiah to hide, the officials take the scroll to King Jehoiakim. The king listens as the document is read, but shows his total disrespect for God’s Word by cutting up the scroll and burning it (v v. 20–23 ). Rather than repent, the king orders the arrest of Jeremiah and Baruch (v v. 24–26 ). Jeremiah dictates another copy of his book and sends a message to the king. Because of Jehoiakim’s contempt for God’s Word he will die, and none of his descendants will succeed him on David’s throne (v v. 27–31 ).
Today church leaders do not stop the true ministers from entering the church building. Neither do they arrest the true ministers of God for speaking the Word of God.
They ignore them. They slender them and try to destroy their ministry.
They make sure that church pulpits are filled with ministers who speak church pastor’s lingo or themes.
During Jeremiah’s time there were many prophets who were prophesying to please the king of Israel but Jeremiah spoke the Word of God [He prophesied what he heard from God]. The King did not like what he heard from Jeremiah. In fact the king did not like what God was saying. Therefore the king stopped Jeremiah from entering the temple. Next the king put Jeremiah in prison.
Churches should seek to hear from God even if it makes them uncomfortable. Do not be like King Jehoiakim. Listen to the truth. The truth from God will set people free from lies. On the other hand lies will put people in bondage and destroy them.
Read Scripture with a proper sense of awe, realizing it is God’s own Word to you and others.
In His Majesty’s Service
This morning I was reading Jeremiah chapter 36 .
Much of the Book of Jeremiah was written long after the prophet delivered his sermons. This chapter gives the circumstances. Jeremiah has been forbidden to enter the temple area ( Jer 36:5 ), so he dictates the messages he has given to a skilled scribe named Baruch. Baruch then goes to the temple compound during a religious festival and reads the scroll aloud from an upstairs window ( Jer 36:1–10 ). This is reported to the king’s officials, who politely ask Baruch to read his material to them. They realize at once that it has been dictated by Jeremiah (v v. 11–19 ). After urging Baruch and Jeremiah to hide, the officials take the scroll to King Jehoiakim. The king listens as the document is read, but shows his total disrespect for God’s Word by cutting up the scroll and burning it (v v. 20–23 ). Rather than repent, the king orders the arrest of Jeremiah and Baruch (v v. 24–26 ). Jeremiah dictates another copy of his book and sends a message to the king. Because of Jehoiakim’s contempt for God’s Word he will die, and none of his descendants will succeed him on David’s throne (v v. 27–31 ).
Today church leaders do not stop the true ministers from entering the church building. Neither do they arrest the true ministers of God for speaking the Word of God.
They ignore them. They slender them and try to destroy their ministry.
They make sure that church pulpits are filled with ministers who speak church pastor’s lingo or themes.
During Jeremiah’s time there were many prophets who were prophesying to please the king of Israel but Jeremiah spoke the Word of God [He prophesied what he heard from God]. The King did not like what he heard from Jeremiah. In fact the king did not like what God was saying. Therefore the king stopped Jeremiah from entering the temple. Next the king put Jeremiah in prison.
Churches should seek to hear from God even if it makes them uncomfortable. Do not be like King Jehoiakim. Listen to the truth. The truth from God will set people free from lies. On the other hand lies will put people in bondage and destroy them.
Read Scripture with a proper sense of awe, realizing it is God’s own Word to you and others.
In His Majesty’s Service
Great lesson!!!
A successful Christian business man was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together.
He said, "It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO. I have decided to choose one of you. "The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued." I am going to give each one of you a SEED today - one very special SEED. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO"
One man, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly, told his wife the story. She helped him get a pot, soil and compost and he planted the seed. Everyday, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other executives began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Jim kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn't have a plant and he felt like a failure. Six months went by-still nothing in Jim's pot. He just knew he had killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Jim didn't say anything to his colleagues, however. He just kept watering and fertilizing the soil - He so wanted the seed to grow.
A year finally went by and all the young executives of the company brought their plants to the CEO for inspection. Jim told his wife that he wasn't going to take an empty pot. But she asked him to be honest about what happened. Jim felt sick at his stomach, it was going to be the most embarrassing moment of his life, but he knew his wife was right. He took his empty pot to the board room. When Jim arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other executives.
They were beautiful-in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor and many of his colleagues laughed, a few felt sorry for him!
When the CEO arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted his young executives. Jim just tried to hide in the back. "My, what great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown," said the CEO. "Today one of you will be appointed the next CEO!" All of a sudden, the CEO spotted Jim at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered the financial director to bring him to the front. Jim was terrified. He thought, "The CEO knows I'm a failure! Maybe he will have me fired!"
When Jim got to the front, the CEO asked him what had happened to his seed - Jim told him the story. The CEO asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim, and then announced to the young executives, "Behold your next Chief Executive! His name is Jim! Jim couldn't believe it. Jim couldn't even grow his seed. How could he be the new CEO the others said? Then the CEO said, "One year ago today, I gave everyone in this room a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds; they were dead - it was not possible for them to grow. All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will
be the new Chief Executive!"
If you plant honesty, you will reap trust
If you plant goodness, you will reap friends
If you plant humility, you will reap greatness
If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment
If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective
If you plant hard work, you will reap success
If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation
If you plant faith in Christ, you will reap a harvest
So, be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will reap!
A successful Christian business man was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together.
He said, "It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO. I have decided to choose one of you. "The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued." I am going to give each one of you a SEED today - one very special SEED. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO"
One man, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly, told his wife the story. She helped him get a pot, soil and compost and he planted the seed. Everyday, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other executives began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Jim kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn't have a plant and he felt like a failure. Six months went by-still nothing in Jim's pot. He just knew he had killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Jim didn't say anything to his colleagues, however. He just kept watering and fertilizing the soil - He so wanted the seed to grow.
A year finally went by and all the young executives of the company brought their plants to the CEO for inspection. Jim told his wife that he wasn't going to take an empty pot. But she asked him to be honest about what happened. Jim felt sick at his stomach, it was going to be the most embarrassing moment of his life, but he knew his wife was right. He took his empty pot to the board room. When Jim arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other executives.
They were beautiful-in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor and many of his colleagues laughed, a few felt sorry for him!
When the CEO arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted his young executives. Jim just tried to hide in the back. "My, what great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown," said the CEO. "Today one of you will be appointed the next CEO!" All of a sudden, the CEO spotted Jim at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered the financial director to bring him to the front. Jim was terrified. He thought, "The CEO knows I'm a failure! Maybe he will have me fired!"
When Jim got to the front, the CEO asked him what had happened to his seed - Jim told him the story. The CEO asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim, and then announced to the young executives, "Behold your next Chief Executive! His name is Jim! Jim couldn't believe it. Jim couldn't even grow his seed. How could he be the new CEO the others said? Then the CEO said, "One year ago today, I gave everyone in this room a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds; they were dead - it was not possible for them to grow. All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will
be the new Chief Executive!"
If you plant honesty, you will reap trust
If you plant goodness, you will reap friends
If you plant humility, you will reap greatness
If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment
If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective
If you plant hard work, you will reap success
If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation
If you plant faith in Christ, you will reap a harvest
So, be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will reap!
God & Government
Reading : Romans 13:1-8
"Those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God"
( Rom 13:2 )
Obeying civil authorities is obeying God. Read what Paul wrote to the believers in Rome the political capital of the then world ( Rom 13:1-4 ). Peter belonged to the illiterate section of the society. Yet he clearly understood how God was behind the civil authorities. He writes in his first Epistle, "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the King as supreme, or to governors" (2:13 ,14). He beautifully brings out how our obedience to civil authorities is the other side of our obedience to God: "Fear God. Honour the King" ( v17 ).
What a different world this would be if only all the Christians would pledge not to evade tax payment, not to cheat customs officials, not to bribe anyone, not to break traffic rules, not to disregard town-planning regulations, and so on and so forth! ( Rom 13:6-8 ). We are the salt of the earth. If we lose our saltiness, the earth will decay to be thrown away as useless. We are the light of the world. If we lose our brightness, the world will descend into eternal darkness ( Mt 5:13 , 14 ). India is one of the most corrupt nations of the world. "As the Church goes, so goes the world," lamented prophet Leonard Ravenhill.
If a law prohibits evangelism, or forces another religion on us, we are not obliged to obey it ( Dan 3:16 ; 6:7-10 ; Acts 4:19 ; 5:29 ). We are also exempted from laws which are against our moral conscience ( Ex 1:15 -17 ).
When we talk about obedience to civil authorities we also must include our bosses and superiors in the workspots. "Servants, be obedient to those who are your masters with fear and trembling in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord" ( Eph 6:5-8 ). When we obey our bosses, we actually "serve the Lord Christ" ( Col 3:22-24 ). We are called to be submissive and obedient "not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh" masters ( 1 Pet 2:18 ). If the boss is a believer, we must not take advantage of it but serve him with greater enthusiasm ( 1 Tim 6:2 ).
He who says that he obeys God but does not obey authorities
is a criminal; civility is not in him!
Reading : Romans 13:1-8
"Those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God"
( Rom 13:2 )
Obeying civil authorities is obeying God. Read what Paul wrote to the believers in Rome the political capital of the then world ( Rom 13:1-4 ). Peter belonged to the illiterate section of the society. Yet he clearly understood how God was behind the civil authorities. He writes in his first Epistle, "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the King as supreme, or to governors" (2:13 ,14). He beautifully brings out how our obedience to civil authorities is the other side of our obedience to God: "Fear God. Honour the King" ( v17 ).
What a different world this would be if only all the Christians would pledge not to evade tax payment, not to cheat customs officials, not to bribe anyone, not to break traffic rules, not to disregard town-planning regulations, and so on and so forth! ( Rom 13:6-8 ). We are the salt of the earth. If we lose our saltiness, the earth will decay to be thrown away as useless. We are the light of the world. If we lose our brightness, the world will descend into eternal darkness ( Mt 5:13 , 14 ). India is one of the most corrupt nations of the world. "As the Church goes, so goes the world," lamented prophet Leonard Ravenhill.
If a law prohibits evangelism, or forces another religion on us, we are not obliged to obey it ( Dan 3:16 ; 6:7-10 ; Acts 4:19 ; 5:29 ). We are also exempted from laws which are against our moral conscience ( Ex 1:15 -17 ).
When we talk about obedience to civil authorities we also must include our bosses and superiors in the workspots. "Servants, be obedient to those who are your masters with fear and trembling in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord" ( Eph 6:5-8 ). When we obey our bosses, we actually "serve the Lord Christ" ( Col 3:22-24 ). We are called to be submissive and obedient "not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh" masters ( 1 Pet 2:18 ). If the boss is a believer, we must not take advantage of it but serve him with greater enthusiasm ( 1 Tim 6:2 ).
He who says that he obeys God but does not obey authorities
is a criminal; civility is not in him!
Rabu, 23 April 2008
Eyeball on your Call!
Reading : 1 Corinthians 12:4-18
"Brothers and sisters, let each one remain in that calling
in which he was called" (1 Cor 7:24)
The Christian life is comparable to running a race. There are rules and regulations to it (1 Cor 9:24). It is God who sets the track for each to run within. Although called to work in the same Vineyard, the area of responsibility may vary for each. Some are called to be "eyes" of the Body the Church, as prophets; some as "hands" in the ministry of helping; and still others as "legs" to do pioneering outreach work. Each ought to stay true to his calling (1 Cor 7:20,24). Remember Shiny Wilson who lost the Olympic medal for not keeping to the track.
Let's not be attracted to lucrative ministries. "Suppose the whole body were an eye—then how would you hear? Or if your whole body were just one big ear, how could you smell anything?" (1 Cor 12:17). Let us run the race "set for us" (Heb 12:1)—with patience, firmness, fortitude and courage. Though initially some blessings might accrue to doing what the Lord has not specified for us, we would soon lose out on God's best for us. Stray not from the unique plan the Lord has for you.
The heart-tugging style of Brother Dinakaran emphasising the compassions of the merciful God is unique to him. Another servant of God might hit hard on our numbskulls as his unique style of calling to repentance before God, the Judge of all. The Bible teacher may quietly but firmly underscore his message of drawing attention to "what is written." The pensive philosopher rationalist may pinpoint to the harmony between Science and Scriptures. No one needs "copy" anyone in raising the hands or thumping the pulpit. It was the quiet and calm disciple who helped to start the miracle by bringing the boy with fish and bread to the Lord Jesus who blessed it to feed the five thousand.
God loves variety. Look at the majesty of His creation. What a wide range of wonders! Each creature so different from the other! "Are all Apostles?... Prophets?... miracle workers?" (1 Cor 12:29). The simple and sweet answer is "No!" Just be your own self but always in the Lord. You are unique in the plan of God. Do not come down!
It's God's will I would subject to;
It is God's voice, I would listen to;
The Lord who called me, pre-elect, does guide—
So through His paths, all good, to reach His side.
(Translation of a song of Sister Sarah Navaroj)
Extract from the book "Better Everyday" by R. Stanley.
Reading : 1 Corinthians 12:4-18
"Brothers and sisters, let each one remain in that calling
in which he was called" (1 Cor 7:24)
The Christian life is comparable to running a race. There are rules and regulations to it (1 Cor 9:24). It is God who sets the track for each to run within. Although called to work in the same Vineyard, the area of responsibility may vary for each. Some are called to be "eyes" of the Body the Church, as prophets; some as "hands" in the ministry of helping; and still others as "legs" to do pioneering outreach work. Each ought to stay true to his calling (1 Cor 7:20,24). Remember Shiny Wilson who lost the Olympic medal for not keeping to the track.
Let's not be attracted to lucrative ministries. "Suppose the whole body were an eye—then how would you hear? Or if your whole body were just one big ear, how could you smell anything?" (1 Cor 12:17). Let us run the race "set for us" (Heb 12:1)—with patience, firmness, fortitude and courage. Though initially some blessings might accrue to doing what the Lord has not specified for us, we would soon lose out on God's best for us. Stray not from the unique plan the Lord has for you.
The heart-tugging style of Brother Dinakaran emphasising the compassions of the merciful God is unique to him. Another servant of God might hit hard on our numbskulls as his unique style of calling to repentance before God, the Judge of all. The Bible teacher may quietly but firmly underscore his message of drawing attention to "what is written." The pensive philosopher rationalist may pinpoint to the harmony between Science and Scriptures. No one needs "copy" anyone in raising the hands or thumping the pulpit. It was the quiet and calm disciple who helped to start the miracle by bringing the boy with fish and bread to the Lord Jesus who blessed it to feed the five thousand.
God loves variety. Look at the majesty of His creation. What a wide range of wonders! Each creature so different from the other! "Are all Apostles?... Prophets?... miracle workers?" (1 Cor 12:29). The simple and sweet answer is "No!" Just be your own self but always in the Lord. You are unique in the plan of God. Do not come down!
It's God's will I would subject to;
It is God's voice, I would listen to;
The Lord who called me, pre-elect, does guide—
So through His paths, all good, to reach His side.
(Translation of a song of Sister Sarah Navaroj)
Extract from the book "Better Everyday" by R. Stanley.
Burning for Shining
Reading : 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
"He must increase, but I must decrease" (Jn 3:30)
We are called to be like John the Baptist who burnt himself out to shine for God (Jn 5:35). We desire to shine for Jesus but we are not ready to burn out for Him. We want to be like electric bulbs; but God is looking for candles, which melt away in the process of giving light. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) burnt out for God in his missionary service in China. He challenged the Christians, "God is looking for some wicks to burn. The oil and the fire are free!" Bearing of the Cross and dying to self are not an one-day affair. It's a lifetime exercise. Apostle Paul summarized his life of self-denial in 2 Corinthians 6:9,10, "Not I but Christ!" He testified, "We are well known, but we are treated as unknown. We live close to death, but here we are, still alive … We own nothing, and yet we have everything!"
Evangelist D.L. Moody (1837-1899) was honest when he confessed, "I have more trouble with D.L. Moody than with any man I ever met!" Self-denial is the supreme sacrifice. It means saying "no" to the self-gratifying desires of the flesh, to the self-promoting appeals of the world, and to the self-feeding temptations of the devil (1 Jn 2:15,16). Every act of self-denial takes us forward in Christian life. As a man goes down in self he goes up in God. Unless I decrease, Christ in me cannot increase!
If we follow Jesus, we must be ready to face literal scorn on the road to eventual martyrdom. From the moment of faith believers must count their lives forfeit for the Kingdom. Jesus was crucified outside the city of Jerusalem. We are also called to "go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach" (Heb 13:12,13). One has to work against internal and external forces if he should keep on witnessing. Church history, why, even the world history, will be only blank pages if we remove the word "sacrifice" from them. David Livingstone (1813-1873) had to singlehandedly bury his wife in the dark Continent of Africa where he had gone as a missionary-explorer. William Carey (1761-1834), who came as a missionary and Bible translator to Bengal in India, had to perform the last rites for his wife all by himself. Such lamps of sacrifice are still burning!
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning;
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray;
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning;
Keep me burning till the break of day!
Extract from the book "Better Everyday" by R. Stanley.
Reading : 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
"He must increase, but I must decrease" (Jn 3:30)
We are called to be like John the Baptist who burnt himself out to shine for God (Jn 5:35). We desire to shine for Jesus but we are not ready to burn out for Him. We want to be like electric bulbs; but God is looking for candles, which melt away in the process of giving light. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) burnt out for God in his missionary service in China. He challenged the Christians, "God is looking for some wicks to burn. The oil and the fire are free!" Bearing of the Cross and dying to self are not an one-day affair. It's a lifetime exercise. Apostle Paul summarized his life of self-denial in 2 Corinthians 6:9,10, "Not I but Christ!" He testified, "We are well known, but we are treated as unknown. We live close to death, but here we are, still alive … We own nothing, and yet we have everything!"
Evangelist D.L. Moody (1837-1899) was honest when he confessed, "I have more trouble with D.L. Moody than with any man I ever met!" Self-denial is the supreme sacrifice. It means saying "no" to the self-gratifying desires of the flesh, to the self-promoting appeals of the world, and to the self-feeding temptations of the devil (1 Jn 2:15,16). Every act of self-denial takes us forward in Christian life. As a man goes down in self he goes up in God. Unless I decrease, Christ in me cannot increase!
If we follow Jesus, we must be ready to face literal scorn on the road to eventual martyrdom. From the moment of faith believers must count their lives forfeit for the Kingdom. Jesus was crucified outside the city of Jerusalem. We are also called to "go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach" (Heb 13:12,13). One has to work against internal and external forces if he should keep on witnessing. Church history, why, even the world history, will be only blank pages if we remove the word "sacrifice" from them. David Livingstone (1813-1873) had to singlehandedly bury his wife in the dark Continent of Africa where he had gone as a missionary-explorer. William Carey (1761-1834), who came as a missionary and Bible translator to Bengal in India, had to perform the last rites for his wife all by himself. Such lamps of sacrifice are still burning!
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning;
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray;
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning;
Keep me burning till the break of day!
Extract from the book "Better Everyday" by R. Stanley.
Behold How He Loves Us
by Francis Frangipane
Our capacity to actually dwell in Christ's presence is based upon knowing the true nature of God. If we see Him as a loving Father, we will draw near; if He seems to be a harsh judge, we will withdraw. Indeed, everything that defines us is influenced by our perception of God.
If we do not believe God cares about us, we will be overly focused on caring for ourselves. If we feel insignificant or ignored by God, we will exhaust ourselves by seeking significance from men. However, once we realize that God truly loves us, that He desires we draw near to Him, a door opens before us into His presence. Here, in the shelter of the Most High, we can find rest and renewed power for our souls.
God's love is not a reality distant from our needs. The Bible reveals that Lord is "touched with the feeling of our infirmities" ( Heb 4:15 KJV). He feels the pain of what we experience on earth. He participates in the life we live, for "in Him we live, and move and have our being" ( Acts 17:28 KJV). He is not removed from our need; we are His body. He is one with us.
The truth is, we are not alone in our battles. However, if we believe we are alone---if we accept the lie that God does not care---our darkened thinking will isolate us from the loving commitment of God.
Beloved, even in our times of rebellion, the heart of God is not far. Consider the Lord's relationship with Israel . Though Israel had sinned and was suffering oppressive consequences, the Lord wasn't far. We read that when the Lord "could bear the misery of Israel no longer" He raised up deliverers ( Judges 10:16 ). God wasn't distant; He was with them, actually bearing their very misery!
At Lazarus' tomb, Jesus wept. Jesus knew He was going to raise Lazarus; He knew it six days before He called Lazarus back from death. He wept because they were weeping.
Do you know that the Spirit of God actually feels our heartache? He is with us in our conflicts and near us in our fears. At the tomb of Lazarus, some would suggest that Christ's weeping was really over the unbelief of His disciples. I think not. When the Lord wept over Lazarus, those who saw Christ saw a man touched by the sorrows of others. They remarked, "Behold how He loved him!" ( John 11:36 ).
Our healing comes when we behold how He loves us. We are raised from the dead when He comes to our tomb and calls us by name out of death.
We must personalize God's love. He gave His Son for my sins, His word for my guidance and His Spirit for my strength. If the Almighty is for me, who can be against me?
Dear friend, with wide-eyed wonder, let us behold how He loves us, and be healed of our isolation.
by Francis Frangipane
Our capacity to actually dwell in Christ's presence is based upon knowing the true nature of God. If we see Him as a loving Father, we will draw near; if He seems to be a harsh judge, we will withdraw. Indeed, everything that defines us is influenced by our perception of God.
If we do not believe God cares about us, we will be overly focused on caring for ourselves. If we feel insignificant or ignored by God, we will exhaust ourselves by seeking significance from men. However, once we realize that God truly loves us, that He desires we draw near to Him, a door opens before us into His presence. Here, in the shelter of the Most High, we can find rest and renewed power for our souls.
God's love is not a reality distant from our needs. The Bible reveals that Lord is "touched with the feeling of our infirmities" ( Heb 4:15 KJV). He feels the pain of what we experience on earth. He participates in the life we live, for "in Him we live, and move and have our being" ( Acts 17:28 KJV). He is not removed from our need; we are His body. He is one with us.
The truth is, we are not alone in our battles. However, if we believe we are alone---if we accept the lie that God does not care---our darkened thinking will isolate us from the loving commitment of God.
Beloved, even in our times of rebellion, the heart of God is not far. Consider the Lord's relationship with Israel . Though Israel had sinned and was suffering oppressive consequences, the Lord wasn't far. We read that when the Lord "could bear the misery of Israel no longer" He raised up deliverers ( Judges 10:16 ). God wasn't distant; He was with them, actually bearing their very misery!
At Lazarus' tomb, Jesus wept. Jesus knew He was going to raise Lazarus; He knew it six days before He called Lazarus back from death. He wept because they were weeping.
Do you know that the Spirit of God actually feels our heartache? He is with us in our conflicts and near us in our fears. At the tomb of Lazarus, some would suggest that Christ's weeping was really over the unbelief of His disciples. I think not. When the Lord wept over Lazarus, those who saw Christ saw a man touched by the sorrows of others. They remarked, "Behold how He loved him!" ( John 11:36 ).
Our healing comes when we behold how He loves us. We are raised from the dead when He comes to our tomb and calls us by name out of death.
We must personalize God's love. He gave His Son for my sins, His word for my guidance and His Spirit for my strength. If the Almighty is for me, who can be against me?
Dear friend, with wide-eyed wonder, let us behold how He loves us, and be healed of our isolation.
Selasa, 22 April 2008
-by Jennifer LeClaire.
Could the apostolic be leading to a face off between holy and unholy
prophets? Which side would you be on?
Just like Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal, the time is coming
when God's New Testament mouthpieces will confront modern
day merchandisers. The true will defy the false. The holy will
challenge the unholy. Until that day, spirits of divination, with a
little help from the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the
pride of life, are working overtime to woo God's true prophets
to the side of error.
Some merchandising prophets, with their miracle water, prophetic
soap and prosperity oil, are catching naïve Christians hook, line
and sinker. Other Gospel gainsayers are profiting with urgent
announcements that God will heal the first five people who run up
to the altar with $100 bill in hand.
But perhaps the most dangerous merchandisers are those who
use their gift to tap into divination. These prophets announce what
the believer wants to hear in order to sow a false seed of faith in
his heart and reap an improper financial reward, inappropriately
earned position or wrongly received recognition. No matter the
merchandiser's brand of deceit, it is a practice that stinks in the
nostrils of God.
"Then the Lord said, 'These prophets are telling lies in my name. I
did not send them or tell them to speak. I did not give them any
messages. They prophesy of visions and revelations they have
never seen or heard. They speak foolishness made up in their own
lying hearts. Therefore, says the Lord, I will punish these lying
prophets, for they have spoken in my name even though I never
sent them. They say that no war or famine will come, but they
themselves will die by war and famine!'" ( Jeremiah 14:14-15 )
Of course, most false prophets don't start their ministries as false
prophets; rather they are tempted and enticed by the idolatry in
their hearts. Avoiding Satan's snare begins with the fear of the
Lord and the promised wisdom that follows. After all, the
merchandise of wisdom is better than the merchandise of silver,
and the gain thereof than fine gold. Wisdom is more precious than
rubies and all the things that you can desire are not to be
compared to her ( Proverbs 3:14-15 ).
The wisdom in God's Word plainly illustrates that with every
temptation there is also a way of escape. By comparing the
responses of Balaam with Daniel and of Jezebel's diviners with
Elijah, we get a clear view of the trap, the way of escape, and the
ultimate fate of merchandising prophets.
Balaam is best remembered for his talking donkey. He was a true
prophet of God who went the way of divination for the promise of
financial gain when King Balak offered him rewards to curse Israel .
But Balaam did not fall into sin upon the first temptation. In fact,
he refused the king's initial offer. His royal majesty then upped the
ante, promising the prophet promotion, honor and power if he
would curse the Israelites. Balaam once again refused, saying "If
Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go
beyond the word of the Lord my God, to do less or more."
( Numbers 22:18 ).
Despite his bold confession to obey the Lord's will, Balaam
secretly desired to attain the rewards pledged by the king. And so
the testing begins. Balaam would follow his rebellious heart 320
miles on a donkey's back to curse Israel and claim his coveted
merchandise. But to his surprise, the Lord would not allow him to
pronounce the curse when he arrived in Moab . Disappointed and
still hoping to collect the king's bribe, Balaam shared a strategy to
trip up the Israelites through sexual sin that led to the downfall of
his brethren.
Balaam had a clear way of escape: Telling the king's messengers
upon their first visit that the Lord forbid him to curse Israel . That
would have closed the door to future offers and put an end to the
temptation that would lead to his destruction. The end of Balaam
came by the command of Moses at the sword of his own people
"the Israelites he tried to curse through divination."
Daniel, on the other hand, refused to give in to the temptation
presented in King Belshazzar's dilemma. Belshazzar and his
guests were drinking from gold and silver cups that his father had
stolen from God's temple and giving praises to idols when the
fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the palace wall.
Belshazzar was frightened and summoned enchanters, fortune
tellers and diviners to come, promising riches and power to
anyone who could interpret it. When none could, the king called
Daniel and made him the same offer ( Daniel 5 ).
Daniel was faced with at least three choices at this critical turning
point in his ministry. He could accept the king's offer to interpret
the message, thereby merchandising his gifting. He could exercise
the gift he had freely received from Jehovah to freely interpret the
message, all the while knowing that such a harsh word from the
Lord could land him in the lion's den. Or he could stand on his
credible reputation as God's prophet to falsely interpret the warning
message as a blessing message and in all likelihood collect the
loot anyway.
Unlike Balaam, Daniel unlocked the hard truth in the writing on the
wall. He told the king that his days were numbered and that his
kingdom would be divided up and handed over to the enemies.
Daniel refused to compromise, no matter the consequences, and
God used the king to promote him. As one of his last acts as king,
Belshazzar robed him in purple, draped a great gold chain around
his neck and positioned him as third-in-charge of the entire kingdom.
King Ahab and his wife Jezebel took the tradition of kings calling
on prophets to unlock the mysteries of God a step further, and a
few steps too far. Jezebel had false prophets on her payroll. The
wicked queen regularly fed 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets
of Asherah. Bible scholars estimate that feeding those false
prophets cost her about $12,750 a week or $663,000 a year.That's
a hefty price tag for a good prophetic word.
So while Jezebel's prophets had full bellies in a time of famine, the
queen cut off the prophets of the Lord for fear of the truth ( 1 Kings
18:4 ). Obadiah, a type of religious spirit, hid 100 of God's prophets
in caves and fed them bread and water. While this may appear like
a good work on the surface, Obadiah was only facilitating
Jezebel's plan to cut off the uncompromising prophetic word.
While Jezebel's prophets looked well-fed and God's true prophets
looked like sheep being led to the slaughter, the story changes in
a hurry when Elijah confronts the 850 merchandisers at Mount
Carmel in what goes down in Biblical history as the ultimate
showdown between the true and the false. Elijah threw down the
prophetic gauntlet and challenged the false camp to bring fire
down from heaven by calling upon their God. The merchandising
diviners cried to Baal from dawn to dusk with no answer.
When the false camp had finally exhausted itself, Elijah built an
altar holding a sacrifice to Jehovah, drenched it with four barrels of
water, said a simple prayer, and watched as the fire of God fell
from heaven and consumed the sacrifice, the wood, the stones,
the dust and even the water in the trench. Then Elijah slew his
false counterparts one by one. So the ultimate fate of the false
prophets came at the hand of the true prophet, who was later
taken to heaven in a chariot of fire.
Like Old Testament prophets, modern day prophets are also being
tempted to merchandise the anointing for fame, fortune or friends
in high places....
Recall Simon the sorcerer, who was highly esteemed among the
Samaritans because he bewitched them. The apostles Peter and
John met up with Simon after praying for the baptism of the Holy
Ghost for the new believers there. When Simon saw that the
people were filled with the Spirit when the apostles laid their hands
on them, he offered them money. "Saying, Give me also this
power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy
Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee,
because thou hast thought the gift of God may be purchased with
money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart
is not right in the sight of God." ( Acts 8:19-21 ). Simon may have
repented and did ask the apostles to pray for him. Repentance is
the appropriate response for New Testament prophets who fall into
the trap of merchandising.
The decision to go the way of Baal and or to go the way of Elijah
lies in the prophet's heart. If pride, self-will, anger, or lust occupies
the place where obedience, love and truth should live, then the
merchandising prophet may succeed in reaping worldly rewards
for a season but the retirement fund built on ill-gotten gains leads
only to death ( Romans 6:23 ). While there is certainly abundant
grace for the true prophet who misses it, the Book of Revelation
makes it clear that the false prophets, those who purposely set
out to lie and deceive God's people, will be cast into the lake of
fire and brimstone and be tormented day and night forever and
ever ( Revelation 20:10 ).
Minggu, 20 April 2008
India's Burning Issue
Conversions in Orissa—and the violent reaction against them—highlight tension in India 's not-so-dead caste system.
Joseph D'Souza | posted 1/10/2008 08:54AM
On Christmas Eve, violence broke out against Christians in the Kandhamal district of the eastern Indian state of Orissa, which has become well known for poor governance and class tensions. Hindu fundamentalist groups led by the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP, the World Hindu Council) have attacked Christians and their institutions at will in rural areas. Over 90 churches and Christian institutions have been burned and vandalized, over 700 Christian homes destroyed, and the number of pastors and Christians killed is yet to be known, according to a report by my colleagues in the All India Christian Council. A pastor in Chennai told me that 11 pastors have been killed and thousands of Dalit (formerly known as untouchable) Christians displaced. Compass Direct reports that the death count is at 9. Many people are missing, and others have vanished in the nearby forests.
Human Rights Watch and others have decried the present carnage in Orissa and have recognized that freedom of religious choice — especially in a democracy like India 's — must be respected. The Prime Minister promised immediate action to restore peace in the state. But the affected areas are still reporting sporadic violence over two weeks since the attacks against Dalit Christians began.
Despite reports that Christians retaliated in some places, so far Dalit Freedom Network investigations and statements by the Orissa government indicate that Maoist rebels — called Naxalites — were behind the revenge attacks that left dozens of Hindu families homeless. Most Naxalites are armed Dalits, and their involvement gives evidence of the root problem: ancient caste divisions.
My colleagues and I have condemned all forms of extremism and violence, whether Hindu or Christian. However, the underlying story is not about violence, but instead about the caste discrimination and impoverishment that infect India .
Time magazine was quick to state that Hindu caste discrimination is one major factor in the present persecution of Dalit Christians in Orissa. In the Kandhamal area, there are about 100,000 Christians, mostly Dalits, and 500,000 non-Christian Tribals. In the Kandhamal area, there are about 100,000 Christian Dalits and 500,000 non-Christian Dalits. IBN Live reports that the Dalit Christians have "done well after converting to Christianity." Their social, educational, and developmental conditions have conspicuously improved.
A transformed Christian community becomes a powerful motivator and attractor of all those who are still treated as subhumans by the caste system in Orissa. The inhuman and fraudulent social structure of the caste system is fully exposed.
The caste-ridden Hindu fundamentalist groups find this difficult to stomach and have produced threats and false propaganda against Christian missionaries and humanitarian workers in recent years. Hindu fundamentalist ideologues have publicly raised the issue of conversions again, telling NDTV that conversions motivated the violence.
In Orissa eight years ago, Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two children were burned to death when Hindu radicals lit fire to their car. This New Year's Day, his widow Gladys Staines, sent a letter to India 's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, and Orissa's chief minister, Naveen Patnaik expressing grief over the violence and urging forgiveness.
Conversion is the way of revolt taught to the Dalits by their champion and liberator, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, a lawyer educated in the U.S. , who turned to Buddhism himself. His writings are well known all over India among the Dalits. Amdedkar clearly called for the Dalits to convert in order to escape caste-based humiliation and discrimination. In response, some Dalits probably convert due to a motivation to simply protest, but the Christian faith demands that the church receive all — including Dalits — who want to follow Christ.
Violence against Dalit Christians in Orissa and state-sponsored anti-conversion laws will not stop conversions to other faiths. Nor will it take care of the decay within the caste-based Hindu social system.
Sadly, the Orissa state government is not implementing national hate crimes laws that call for severe punishment for crimes against Dalits and tribal Indians. (In most cases, only Sikh, Buddhist, and Hindu Dalits find it possible to get a government-issued Dalit-identity document.)
I pray that my beloved country will back away from the ledge of discrimination and limitations to religious freedom. Only then will India achieve its potential as a superpower in the 21st century.
Joseph D'Souza is international president of the Dalit Freedom Network.
Conversions in Orissa—and the violent reaction against them—highlight tension in India 's not-so-dead caste system.
Joseph D'Souza | posted 1/10/2008 08:54AM
On Christmas Eve, violence broke out against Christians in the Kandhamal district of the eastern Indian state of Orissa, which has become well known for poor governance and class tensions. Hindu fundamentalist groups led by the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP, the World Hindu Council) have attacked Christians and their institutions at will in rural areas. Over 90 churches and Christian institutions have been burned and vandalized, over 700 Christian homes destroyed, and the number of pastors and Christians killed is yet to be known, according to a report by my colleagues in the All India Christian Council. A pastor in Chennai told me that 11 pastors have been killed and thousands of Dalit (formerly known as untouchable) Christians displaced. Compass Direct reports that the death count is at 9. Many people are missing, and others have vanished in the nearby forests.
Human Rights Watch and others have decried the present carnage in Orissa and have recognized that freedom of religious choice — especially in a democracy like India 's — must be respected. The Prime Minister promised immediate action to restore peace in the state. But the affected areas are still reporting sporadic violence over two weeks since the attacks against Dalit Christians began.
Despite reports that Christians retaliated in some places, so far Dalit Freedom Network investigations and statements by the Orissa government indicate that Maoist rebels — called Naxalites — were behind the revenge attacks that left dozens of Hindu families homeless. Most Naxalites are armed Dalits, and their involvement gives evidence of the root problem: ancient caste divisions.
My colleagues and I have condemned all forms of extremism and violence, whether Hindu or Christian. However, the underlying story is not about violence, but instead about the caste discrimination and impoverishment that infect India .
Time magazine was quick to state that Hindu caste discrimination is one major factor in the present persecution of Dalit Christians in Orissa. In the Kandhamal area, there are about 100,000 Christians, mostly Dalits, and 500,000 non-Christian Tribals. In the Kandhamal area, there are about 100,000 Christian Dalits and 500,000 non-Christian Dalits. IBN Live reports that the Dalit Christians have "done well after converting to Christianity." Their social, educational, and developmental conditions have conspicuously improved.
A transformed Christian community becomes a powerful motivator and attractor of all those who are still treated as subhumans by the caste system in Orissa. The inhuman and fraudulent social structure of the caste system is fully exposed.
The caste-ridden Hindu fundamentalist groups find this difficult to stomach and have produced threats and false propaganda against Christian missionaries and humanitarian workers in recent years. Hindu fundamentalist ideologues have publicly raised the issue of conversions again, telling NDTV that conversions motivated the violence.
In Orissa eight years ago, Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two children were burned to death when Hindu radicals lit fire to their car. This New Year's Day, his widow Gladys Staines, sent a letter to India 's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, and Orissa's chief minister, Naveen Patnaik expressing grief over the violence and urging forgiveness.
Conversion is the way of revolt taught to the Dalits by their champion and liberator, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, a lawyer educated in the U.S. , who turned to Buddhism himself. His writings are well known all over India among the Dalits. Amdedkar clearly called for the Dalits to convert in order to escape caste-based humiliation and discrimination. In response, some Dalits probably convert due to a motivation to simply protest, but the Christian faith demands that the church receive all — including Dalits — who want to follow Christ.
Violence against Dalit Christians in Orissa and state-sponsored anti-conversion laws will not stop conversions to other faiths. Nor will it take care of the decay within the caste-based Hindu social system.
Sadly, the Orissa state government is not implementing national hate crimes laws that call for severe punishment for crimes against Dalits and tribal Indians. (In most cases, only Sikh, Buddhist, and Hindu Dalits find it possible to get a government-issued Dalit-identity document.)
I pray that my beloved country will back away from the ledge of discrimination and limitations to religious freedom. Only then will India achieve its potential as a superpower in the 21st century.
Joseph D'Souza is international president of the Dalit Freedom Network.
Senin, 14 April 2008
-by Chris Anderson.
"Have not I chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil?" Jn. 6:70
The importance of the Judas factor in Jesus' ministry cannot be overstated. The corporate ministry of the Lord surrounded by the Twelve serves as a prophetic microcosm of what was to characterize the reality of ministry under the anointing throughout the ensuing church age. The role of Judas under that anointing is extremely instructive in today's Spirit saturated atmosphere.
Judas, as one of the Twelve, ministered under the same anointing under which Jesus ministered. In fact Jesus gave His anointing to him! And frankly, it just doesn't get any more anointed than when you're with the Son of God.
In the course of their ministry, no one ever looked around and said, "How come Judas isn't performing miracles?" His intrinsically impure heart had no bearing on Judas' ability to live and function in the Presence of God. So invisible was his true nature that, in spite of the Lord's repeated comments about a traitor in the midst, it was not until the very end that Judas was exposed for the son of perdition that he was. Even as late as the Last Supper, the disciples could not tell that their "brother" Judas was the traitor.
The Anointing: Support System for a Message
The Judas factor teaches us worlds about the anointing and the Presence of God-both what the anointing establishes and what it cannot. The anointing is given as a support system for projecting a message that brings forth an end product. The anointing does not function on its own by itself as a testimony to itself. It supports a message. The specific message the anointing is sent to support is the message of Yeshua and His cross. It is given as a witness to that truth.
The anointing was never meant to be ministered-nor the Presence of God experienced-apart from the truth of the cross. But, as Judas shows us, the anointing is quite able to be so ministered apart from its true function as a witness to the truth.
Removing the truth from the anointing (which occurs when the anointing is diverted to witness to itself) leaves room for a false "truth" to take its place, ie, a lie. Like an electron in search of a proton, the anointing cannot abide alone. By design it must support a message, a seed. And if it is separated from the message of the gospel and of the cross, it will then automatically support a false message, corrupting to become a lying sign and wonder.
The anointing is to the truth very much like what the egg white is to the yoke of an egg. The yoke harbors the seed of identity of the chick to be. The egg white is a watery plasma that houses that yoke until the two, working together, bring forth the one new life. Even so the anointing is the Spirit womb that houses the truth seed-identity of the children of God. It works together with that seed to bring forth our eventual birth into immortality.
But the seed-before it is fully consummated-can be removed ("fall away") and actually be replaced with the seed of another: one who is like, but not the same as the Son of God. It can be replaced by the seed of Judas.
As increasingly powerful as the corporate anointing of God is becoming in the earth, His Presence alone says utterly nothing about the state of heart of those enveloped under its cloud here below. The power of the Presence does not prove the nature of the seed that abides within its envelope.
God sees into every heart beneath the anointing, under the Presence. He knows every thought of every heart. He is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Behind every raised hand and bent knee, He knows those who are living out the crucified life, and those who are not. He sees every devoted heart surrendered to Him, and every heart with one eye locked on the girl in the next row.
Power of Imagery Vs. Reality
The imagery associated with today's corporate gatherings conveys very powerful portraits of a people practicing the presence of God-whether through print, or film, or CD, or DVD or website. The images of worship are everywhere. Images, images, images-glossy, slick, airbrushed. But images are yet only images, and portraits are only portraits. The Lord knows the hearts of all men, and discerns between the polished anointed picture which will pass away and the inner eternal reality.
As wonderful and powerful as the anointing is today and ever increasing, it is still falling upon mortals who live under a veil separated from the Reality for which they are being prepared. Our worship and our gatherings now are designed to prepare us for the final transcendent Reality-as "beauty treatments" ahead of meeting our King. But there is no guarantee that they are or will so prepare us. They can lead to themselves. We can bask in the pleasure of "experiencing God" purely for the sake of the experience.
We can become enamored of the image of our own anointed gatherings. We can become idolaters of our anointed gatherings and of the powerful images at our disposal for projecting them to others. Yet underneath it all, we may not have the seed of new birth in us at all, but be harbingers of the Judas seed, whose ultimate desire is to prostitute the Presence through the power of image to establish the Lord's glory on the terms of this world.
The Coming Dividing Cataclysm
Between the image and the nearing Reality of immortal, incorruptible trans-veil worship is a great cataclysm at hand. A great separation is soon to take place. As the Lord said, "One shall be taken, the other left." It's important to know that this separation will not only occur in the field and at the mill. It will occur within the very anointed house of God itself.
In the very midst of prophetic gatherings, worship conferences and "houses of prayer," those of the cross who have come to full term in the anointing's womb will be translated into the Reality their earthly worship has ever only pointed to. Those who never knew the truth but made a fair show of the anointing will be exposed as Judas was finally exposed. There will be nothing to prove any more.
At that point, the power of the anointing upon mortal worship will be removed and the mirages attached to it. The anointing will be rendered ransid, even as manna that has passed its shelf life. The power of the images to sustain God's people built on the anointing will collapse. It will seem that everything has come to nothing. The gatherings will be scattered. The Christian Cities will implode. The debris of thousands of Christian "theater houses" will be everywhere. The grace of God which has sustained humanity and allowed it to bask in the perceived sense of its own goodness will be withdrawn. The beast will turn on the harlot, and Judas will hang himself.
But before this the anointed Judas will come to the fore. As men are tried under the Presence and become ever more enamored of the images associated with their own worship and gatherings, the Usurping Replacer of the true Seed and pretender to the Sonship throne will take his place in the glorious temple, encompassed by his corporate harlot, who having herself abandoned the cross long ago in favor of purely experiential (read, "sensual") relationship with God will appear in all her exquisite beauty-arrayed in her royal kingdom garb and her bejeweled gifts of the Spirit.
But in the cataclysm, both she and the son of perdition will be exposed for their truthless sham. Then the veil will be removed. And the worshippers in Spirit and in truth will appear with our Lord-a seed without guile masked by anointing.
The moral? Don't be swayed by the beauty. Don't be deceived by the images. Ask yourself, "What is the message?"
"I desire to know nothing among you but Christ Jesus, and him crucified."
This is tonight's message from the Spirit.
-by Chris Anderson.
"Have not I chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil?" Jn. 6:70
The importance of the Judas factor in Jesus' ministry cannot be overstated. The corporate ministry of the Lord surrounded by the Twelve serves as a prophetic microcosm of what was to characterize the reality of ministry under the anointing throughout the ensuing church age. The role of Judas under that anointing is extremely instructive in today's Spirit saturated atmosphere.
Judas, as one of the Twelve, ministered under the same anointing under which Jesus ministered. In fact Jesus gave His anointing to him! And frankly, it just doesn't get any more anointed than when you're with the Son of God.
In the course of their ministry, no one ever looked around and said, "How come Judas isn't performing miracles?" His intrinsically impure heart had no bearing on Judas' ability to live and function in the Presence of God. So invisible was his true nature that, in spite of the Lord's repeated comments about a traitor in the midst, it was not until the very end that Judas was exposed for the son of perdition that he was. Even as late as the Last Supper, the disciples could not tell that their "brother" Judas was the traitor.
The Anointing: Support System for a Message
The Judas factor teaches us worlds about the anointing and the Presence of God-both what the anointing establishes and what it cannot. The anointing is given as a support system for projecting a message that brings forth an end product. The anointing does not function on its own by itself as a testimony to itself. It supports a message. The specific message the anointing is sent to support is the message of Yeshua and His cross. It is given as a witness to that truth.
The anointing was never meant to be ministered-nor the Presence of God experienced-apart from the truth of the cross. But, as Judas shows us, the anointing is quite able to be so ministered apart from its true function as a witness to the truth.
Removing the truth from the anointing (which occurs when the anointing is diverted to witness to itself) leaves room for a false "truth" to take its place, ie, a lie. Like an electron in search of a proton, the anointing cannot abide alone. By design it must support a message, a seed. And if it is separated from the message of the gospel and of the cross, it will then automatically support a false message, corrupting to become a lying sign and wonder.
The anointing is to the truth very much like what the egg white is to the yoke of an egg. The yoke harbors the seed of identity of the chick to be. The egg white is a watery plasma that houses that yoke until the two, working together, bring forth the one new life. Even so the anointing is the Spirit womb that houses the truth seed-identity of the children of God. It works together with that seed to bring forth our eventual birth into immortality.
But the seed-before it is fully consummated-can be removed ("fall away") and actually be replaced with the seed of another: one who is like, but not the same as the Son of God. It can be replaced by the seed of Judas.
As increasingly powerful as the corporate anointing of God is becoming in the earth, His Presence alone says utterly nothing about the state of heart of those enveloped under its cloud here below. The power of the Presence does not prove the nature of the seed that abides within its envelope.
God sees into every heart beneath the anointing, under the Presence. He knows every thought of every heart. He is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Behind every raised hand and bent knee, He knows those who are living out the crucified life, and those who are not. He sees every devoted heart surrendered to Him, and every heart with one eye locked on the girl in the next row.
Power of Imagery Vs. Reality
The imagery associated with today's corporate gatherings conveys very powerful portraits of a people practicing the presence of God-whether through print, or film, or CD, or DVD or website. The images of worship are everywhere. Images, images, images-glossy, slick, airbrushed. But images are yet only images, and portraits are only portraits. The Lord knows the hearts of all men, and discerns between the polished anointed picture which will pass away and the inner eternal reality.
As wonderful and powerful as the anointing is today and ever increasing, it is still falling upon mortals who live under a veil separated from the Reality for which they are being prepared. Our worship and our gatherings now are designed to prepare us for the final transcendent Reality-as "beauty treatments" ahead of meeting our King. But there is no guarantee that they are or will so prepare us. They can lead to themselves. We can bask in the pleasure of "experiencing God" purely for the sake of the experience.
We can become enamored of the image of our own anointed gatherings. We can become idolaters of our anointed gatherings and of the powerful images at our disposal for projecting them to others. Yet underneath it all, we may not have the seed of new birth in us at all, but be harbingers of the Judas seed, whose ultimate desire is to prostitute the Presence through the power of image to establish the Lord's glory on the terms of this world.
The Coming Dividing Cataclysm
Between the image and the nearing Reality of immortal, incorruptible trans-veil worship is a great cataclysm at hand. A great separation is soon to take place. As the Lord said, "One shall be taken, the other left." It's important to know that this separation will not only occur in the field and at the mill. It will occur within the very anointed house of God itself.
In the very midst of prophetic gatherings, worship conferences and "houses of prayer," those of the cross who have come to full term in the anointing's womb will be translated into the Reality their earthly worship has ever only pointed to. Those who never knew the truth but made a fair show of the anointing will be exposed as Judas was finally exposed. There will be nothing to prove any more.
At that point, the power of the anointing upon mortal worship will be removed and the mirages attached to it. The anointing will be rendered ransid, even as manna that has passed its shelf life. The power of the images to sustain God's people built on the anointing will collapse. It will seem that everything has come to nothing. The gatherings will be scattered. The Christian Cities will implode. The debris of thousands of Christian "theater houses" will be everywhere. The grace of God which has sustained humanity and allowed it to bask in the perceived sense of its own goodness will be withdrawn. The beast will turn on the harlot, and Judas will hang himself.
But before this the anointed Judas will come to the fore. As men are tried under the Presence and become ever more enamored of the images associated with their own worship and gatherings, the Usurping Replacer of the true Seed and pretender to the Sonship throne will take his place in the glorious temple, encompassed by his corporate harlot, who having herself abandoned the cross long ago in favor of purely experiential (read, "sensual") relationship with God will appear in all her exquisite beauty-arrayed in her royal kingdom garb and her bejeweled gifts of the Spirit.
But in the cataclysm, both she and the son of perdition will be exposed for their truthless sham. Then the veil will be removed. And the worshippers in Spirit and in truth will appear with our Lord-a seed without guile masked by anointing.
The moral? Don't be swayed by the beauty. Don't be deceived by the images. Ask yourself, "What is the message?"
"I desire to know nothing among you but Christ Jesus, and him crucified."
This is tonight's message from the Spirit.
Jumat, 11 April 2008
Dear Friends and Partners in The Kingdom of God ,
Vijaya and I came back after 2 weeks of ministry in North Thailand . We ministered in 2 Annual conferences. The Annual Conference in Nakhon Thai and the Annual Karen Baptist Conference in Mae Sariang. We thank you for standing with us through your prayers and financial support.
Please pray for the coming meetings.
9/4 and 10/4 3rd Burn Again Conference – Penang
13/4/2008 Charismatic Church of Penang
24/4/2008 Emmanuel Word Centre -Kulim
27/4/2008 Trinity Bible Church – Penang
4/5/2008 Grace [AOG] - Penang
Thailand 19/4 to 22/4/2008
20/4/2008 Full Blessing Church –Hatyai - Thailand
Philippines 15/4 to 18/4/2008
15/4/2008 Combine Churches Meeting –Malollos – Philippines
16/4 to 17/4 Meeting and dialogue with Pastors
18/4/2008 return to Malaysia .
Indonesia 5/5/2008 to 2/6/2008
Surabaya, Probolinggo, Jember, Malang
India 4/8 to 31/8/2008 [Tiruvanthanathapuram / Chenganur / Kotayam / Cochin ]
Dear friends stand along side our ministry and become a blessing to the nations.
We are a faith ministry. When you are lead by the Lord to give, do send your check to
I/C Number -540303-07-5307
May Bank account number : 107125195025
Home Branch number 07125 -KAMPONG BHARU
Swift Code -MBBEMYKL
The Favor of God is upon the righteous ones.
In His Majesty’s Service
Christopher and Vijaya.K.
Vijaya and I came back after 2 weeks of ministry in North Thailand . We ministered in 2 Annual conferences. The Annual Conference in Nakhon Thai and the Annual Karen Baptist Conference in Mae Sariang. We thank you for standing with us through your prayers and financial support.
Please pray for the coming meetings.
9/4 and 10/4 3rd Burn Again Conference – Penang
13/4/2008 Charismatic Church of Penang
24/4/2008 Emmanuel Word Centre -Kulim
27/4/2008 Trinity Bible Church – Penang
4/5/2008 Grace [AOG] - Penang
Thailand 19/4 to 22/4/2008
20/4/2008 Full Blessing Church –Hatyai - Thailand
Philippines 15/4 to 18/4/2008
15/4/2008 Combine Churches Meeting –Malollos – Philippines
16/4 to 17/4 Meeting and dialogue with Pastors
18/4/2008 return to Malaysia .
Indonesia 5/5/2008 to 2/6/2008
Surabaya, Probolinggo, Jember, Malang
India 4/8 to 31/8/2008 [Tiruvanthanathapuram / Chenganur / Kotayam / Cochin ]
Dear friends stand along side our ministry and become a blessing to the nations.
We are a faith ministry. When you are lead by the Lord to give, do send your check to
I/C Number -540303-07-5307
May Bank account number : 107125195025
Home Branch number 07125 -KAMPONG BHARU
Swift Code -MBBEMYKL
The Favor of God is upon the righteous ones.
In His Majesty’s Service
Christopher and Vijaya.K.
Kamis, 03 April 2008
Malaysian Christians Face Threats, Worries
Posted by Raja Petra
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
By George Thomas
CBN News Senior Reporter
Malaysia bills itself as a moderate Islamic country,
but today powerful forces are trying to turn it into a
fundamentalist Islamic state
This has Malaysian Christians worried about the future
of religious freedom.
"They forced me to renounce Christ but I said no way!"
said Daniel, a Christian convert.
Daniel is a young Malaysian who has lived a secret and
sometimes dangerous life.
"I've been threatened with death so many times by
radical Muslims, but by the grace of God I'm still
alive," he explained.
Daniel converted from Islam to Christianity in 1998.
"Under the Islamic laws of my country, the authorities
can arrest me for my conversion," he said.
Malaysians attempting to leave Islam has become one of
the most controversial issues in this country.
The debate erupted last year when Malaysia 's highest
court rejected a Muslim convert's battle to be legally
recognized as a Christian.
Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, a well-known human rights lawyer
and a Muslim, presented a brief in support of Ms Lina
Joy's conversion case.
"It crystallized a legal basis to implement the kind
of measures that we say are undermining the entire
societal framework of this country," he said. "Lina
Joy was a bad decision, a very, very bad decision."
A decision that forced Lina Joy to flee the country.
Meanwhile, Sarwar's support for Joy made him a wanted
man. Posters carrying his picture circulated calling
for his death. He's been branded an Islamic traitor
because he believes that Malaysians should be free to
choose their religion.
"The freedom is to profess and once one professes, and
this is even in the Koran, it is for that person and
God after that."
Malay-Muslims make up 60 percent of the population.
The rest are mostly Christians, Hindus and Buddhists.
Wong Kim Kong is the head of the National Evangelical
Christian Fellowship.
"The extreme fundamentalists tend to believe that the
laws of Malaysia must be Sharia compliant," he said.
Kong says there's been a subtle and gradual
encroachment by extreme fundamentalists in the affairs
and rights of Christians.
A case in point: The Malaysian government recently
announced that certain Arabic words such as "Allah"
cannot be used by non-Muslims. They argue that "Allah"
- which means God in the Malay language - refers to
the Muslim God and can only be used by Muslims.
"The Islamic authorities failed to recognize that the
word "Allah" predates Islam. This word existed way
before the Islamic religion came into existence," Kong
At the center of this controversy is The Herald, a
Christian newspaper, that's been warned repeatedly
that its permit may be revoked if it refuses to drop
the use of "Allah" in its Malay-language section.
The Herald has filed a lawsuit against the government
on grounds that the ban is unconstitutional and
against freedom of religion.
Meanwhile, violations against the Christian community
continue. Officers of the Malay Internal Security's
religious department raided several Christian
bookstores recently and seized children's books,
claiming that they violated Islamic Sharia law and
aroused Muslim sensitivities.
Ioannis Gatsiounis is a freelance journalist based in
Malaysia .
"One of the things we hear quite a bit of in Malaysia
is the need to protect Muslim sensitivities. I don't
think that bodes well for tolerance. Tolerance is not
about protecting sensitivities but about getting
people used to accepting other people as they are."
In the last year several indigenous churches have also
been destroyed by the Islamic police.
These episodes leave many worried about the future of
religious freedom here and uncomfortable with the rise
of a new and radical form of Islam that threatens to
undermine Malaysia 's image as a moderate and
progressive nation.
"We want people around the world to pray for us,"
Daniel said. "We want people to speak out on our
behalf so that we can have the freedom to practice our
Posted by Raja Petra
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
By George Thomas
CBN News Senior Reporter
Malaysia bills itself as a moderate Islamic country,
but today powerful forces are trying to turn it into a
fundamentalist Islamic state
This has Malaysian Christians worried about the future
of religious freedom.
"They forced me to renounce Christ but I said no way!"
said Daniel, a Christian convert.
Daniel is a young Malaysian who has lived a secret and
sometimes dangerous life.
"I've been threatened with death so many times by
radical Muslims, but by the grace of God I'm still
alive," he explained.
Daniel converted from Islam to Christianity in 1998.
"Under the Islamic laws of my country, the authorities
can arrest me for my conversion," he said.
Malaysians attempting to leave Islam has become one of
the most controversial issues in this country.
The debate erupted last year when Malaysia 's highest
court rejected a Muslim convert's battle to be legally
recognized as a Christian.
Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, a well-known human rights lawyer
and a Muslim, presented a brief in support of Ms Lina
Joy's conversion case.
"It crystallized a legal basis to implement the kind
of measures that we say are undermining the entire
societal framework of this country," he said. "Lina
Joy was a bad decision, a very, very bad decision."
A decision that forced Lina Joy to flee the country.
Meanwhile, Sarwar's support for Joy made him a wanted
man. Posters carrying his picture circulated calling
for his death. He's been branded an Islamic traitor
because he believes that Malaysians should be free to
choose their religion.
"The freedom is to profess and once one professes, and
this is even in the Koran, it is for that person and
God after that."
Malay-Muslims make up 60 percent of the population.
The rest are mostly Christians, Hindus and Buddhists.
Wong Kim Kong is the head of the National Evangelical
Christian Fellowship.
"The extreme fundamentalists tend to believe that the
laws of Malaysia must be Sharia compliant," he said.
Kong says there's been a subtle and gradual
encroachment by extreme fundamentalists in the affairs
and rights of Christians.
A case in point: The Malaysian government recently
announced that certain Arabic words such as "Allah"
cannot be used by non-Muslims. They argue that "Allah"
- which means God in the Malay language - refers to
the Muslim God and can only be used by Muslims.
"The Islamic authorities failed to recognize that the
word "Allah" predates Islam. This word existed way
before the Islamic religion came into existence," Kong
At the center of this controversy is The Herald, a
Christian newspaper, that's been warned repeatedly
that its permit may be revoked if it refuses to drop
the use of "Allah" in its Malay-language section.
The Herald has filed a lawsuit against the government
on grounds that the ban is unconstitutional and
against freedom of religion.
Meanwhile, violations against the Christian community
continue. Officers of the Malay Internal Security's
religious department raided several Christian
bookstores recently and seized children's books,
claiming that they violated Islamic Sharia law and
aroused Muslim sensitivities.
Ioannis Gatsiounis is a freelance journalist based in
Malaysia .
"One of the things we hear quite a bit of in Malaysia
is the need to protect Muslim sensitivities. I don't
think that bodes well for tolerance. Tolerance is not
about protecting sensitivities but about getting
people used to accepting other people as they are."
In the last year several indigenous churches have also
been destroyed by the Islamic police.
These episodes leave many worried about the future of
religious freedom here and uncomfortable with the rise
of a new and radical form of Islam that threatens to
undermine Malaysia 's image as a moderate and
progressive nation.
"We want people around the world to pray for us,"
Daniel said. "We want people to speak out on our
behalf so that we can have the freedom to practice our
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